Chapter 22

As Gealach walked forward and lightning coursed throughout his entire body and black ice began to cover the entire building they were on. Ilbaro smirked then dashed forward and Gaelach stopped and Ilbaro sent a barrage of bone shards at Gealach but they passed right through him. (Impossible!) Gaelach blitzed behind Ilbaro and tried to kick him when bones sprouted out his back but Gaelach turned his leg into lightning and sent Ilbaro flying across the rooftop. (Gaelach we need to fall back.) Gaelach turned from Ilbaro and began to roll in thunder. "YOU'RE NOT LEAVING SILENT ONE!" "Ilbaro Stand down! You're too exhausted." "But, Mr. Yuinlom." "We've got what we need. The next phase shall begin." "Tch, until the next time we meet, silent one.Next time will be our final dance." Ilbaro jumped away into the blizzard. (Gaelach, where are you!? We've got Arctora'hm.)

Gaelach disappeared as lightning flashed. As Yuinlom, Ilbaro, and the rest of the Twelve White Sun Guardians were about to leave the compound that's when someone began to float down. "Exit strategy?" Ilbaro questioned. "Honestly, I was not expecting it to be ready yet." As I and the others looked up to see someone floating above the battlefield. "Who are you!?" I questioned as I began to prepare myself for battle. "Tora, no it's not worth it." "But Lil' Fox I..." Kitsune wrapped her arms around my waist and put her head on my back. "Sometimes, it's okay to not fight and just know when to retreat." Kitsune turned me to her to face her as she looked me in the eyes. She put a hand on my face and smiled as she ran a finger down my cheek." "You have such beautiful different colored eyes and an amazing heart. But sit back and let the villain monologue this one time you and I both know you're not strong enough yet and neither are the rest of us." "Arctora'hm, you will be fractured. For it is the will of the Second Reich." "What is the Second Reich?" I asked. "All shall be revealed when the fracturing of you is complete until then we shall give you Five years to prepare for War." The mysterious figures disappeared. "Wait, what was that about?" "What did they mean by you being fractured?" Robin asked. "A better question is why would they give us a specific time to prepare?" Aqualad asked feeling uneasy.

"I don't know but I've been thinking and Kaldur I'd love to come with you to Atlantis as long as I get to train with Yvstorm still." "I will alert my king of your decision." As I looked around and saw people talking I began to walk over to Joan and Jack. "Excuse me, can I borrow her for a second?" "Oui." "Who am I to say no Mister Arctora'hm." I pulled Kitsune over to the side as she asked if everything was alright. "Hey, I've been thinking and I'm going with Kaldur and YvStorm to Atlantis to train for the next 5 years. But I wanted to thank you for coming here to rescue me. Also I appreciate you being at my side. I know we have our differences from time to time. I just..." Kitsune smiled and grabbed both my hands as she moved a strand of stray raven black hair out of her face. "I will always be coming home to you no matter what. But most importantly I want to say that I'm actually in love with you and you deserve to know my real name before you leave. It's Nisshoku. You'll always be my setting sun no matter how mad I get or annoyed I can count on you to bring me back to loving the life I once hated. I thank you for showing me what real love is even if our love isn't eternal my heart soars to the stars trying to catch up to the bright light you emit from your soul."

Nisshoku leaned in and kissed me. I was caught off guard at first but returned the kiss back. "I also wanted to tell you I was thinking about taking Keltori with me to train with me, Joan, and Jackson. Can you bring her back from the mirror dimension." I chuckled then smiled. "Sure." I put a hand out and brought Keltori back as Nisshoku ran over to her to help her up to her feet. "Thanks." Keltori commented as I ran over to her and Nisshoku. "It's no problem at all." Nisshoku replied as she walked back towards me and held my hand. "So, you finally got your setting sun." "Yeah. But I wanted to ask you. Would you like to join me and Joan and Jackson for training during the next five years?" "Five years!? Why so long? What did I miss?" "I'll tell you later." Nisshoku smiled as we waited for Keltori's answer. "I would love to join you." "Alright!" Kaldur walked over to me and then said: "When you're ready, we will depart. Oh, and it's about time you two made it official." Kaldur smiled and walked away again.

Nisshoku turned to me and put a hand back on my chest. "Your heart is beating super fast are you okay?" "I'll be fine, I'm just nervous, excited, scared, I'm honestly just a mess of emotions." "Hey, look at me." Nisshoku turned my head to her and said: "No matter what you're going through no matter how you feel in any moment you can count on me to be your eclipse to the negativity of the entire cosmos not just Earth." "Wherever you go, I'll be right there next to you. I know I'm hot headed, spunky, and a smart ass. But there is nothing I wouldn't do for you. I promise even on my darkest days I will never stop loving you Arctora'hm. You will always be my setting sun." Nisshoku kissed me passionately as tears flowed down her cheek. "Hey, be careful out there Lil' Fox." Nisshoku smiled and giggled. "I always will. Stay bright my setting sun." I gave a thumbs up and smiled as I went over to Kaldur and YvStorm as I waved goodbye to all my friends.