Chapter 24

Meanwhile with Nisshoku...

"Kitsune, take the middle I'll go up high. Joan the Right." Artemis commanded as she shot an arrow up and grappled to the top of the roof. "Damn, I didn't think it'd be this hard to catch a Second Reich Spy." Artemis complained as she shot an arrow that sent out a net that's when the Second Reich Spy turned and howled as the roar toar through the net but that's when Joan jumped in the air and blocked the roars intensity with her Sword of Adam and her eyes began to glow a royal purple and her face was stern. "You're not hurting anyone else I love." "Is this guy a werewolf?" Artemis asked. "No, he's worse than a werewolf. He's a Howler the Witches of Damocles Spies they absorb a human catalyst and once they catch their pursuers in a perfect position the Witches appear they helped the English in many ways if it wasn't for the Holy Church and France's secret program we would've been conquered by the English Dogs." "So where are these wi..." Joan turned around and pushed Artemis to the side and cut the magic fire ball in half. "Whoa thanks." "Stay on guard there's more hidden." (Damn this is going to be difficult Artemis can't see the Witches and Kitsune is going to be busy trying to protect all of us. I can't send Artemis after the Howler because she'll just end up killed. I can't put Wally or myself through that. It's bad enough I asked her to come along.)

Joan gripped the handle of her sword tightly. "Calm down Joan. Stop over thinking we're going to be fine just keep your wits on the fight at hand if I need to I'll just summon Chippy." "You sure?" "You know he won't let anything happen to mommy or daddy." Chippy appeared on Kitsune's shoulder. "Chippy what are you doing? You're supposed to be in the negative dimension." (I sense negative emotions here in this world. You need me here.) (Are you crazy we just found you. Do you really think it's safe to be out the Negative Dimension this early.) (Just watch my back mom.) Chippy hopped off Kitsune's shoulder and landed on a rooftop and his fur began to change colors from an albino white to a Firey Orangish-Red as quills protruded from his back and his eyes changed from black to potent sapphire blue.

A witch shot a magic fire ball at Chippy as he was halfway done with his transformation that's when Kitsune waved one of her energy tails in the air knocking it back at the witch and Artemis followed up with an arrow that the witch tried to knock out of mid air but it curved the magic and electrocuted her with a 5 radius explosion causing the other five Witches that were hiding in the Shadows to yell in pain. "Great now that you can see the Witches Artemis use your poly dense foam that's rigged with a fail-safe." (Wait, don't do it auntie Artemis!) Artemis stopped mid arrow notch. "Why'd you stop Artemis?" Joan looked back that's when a witch sent an ice spear at Joan. Chippy roared and jumped in the air and grabbed the ice spear before it could hit its target. (We didn't order this. Return to the sender!) Chippy sent it back to the witch impaling her in the heart with Negative Dimension energy trapping her into an illusion of horror for eternity. "Did you just infuse the ice spear with negative dimensional energy?" Joan asked. (It's the only way to stop them besides the Sword of Adam.)

"So would you mind telling me where you found the monkey?" Artemis asked as she sent a sonic arrow flying. "He's a chimpanzee not a monkey!" Kitsune shouted as she jumped over the witch and impaled her sword into the witch that she was fighting neck. (Do it now Chippy!) Chippy glared over at Kitsune and the Negative Dimension energy was sent through one of Kitsune's reverse short swords cutting through the witch's neck. She howled in pain as she turned to dust. Joan began to pull her sword out of its sheath and in a flash of wind as it began to rain and fire danced in the night sky four witches of Damocles turned to dust. "May his holiness bless you all with a divine rest. Amen!" Chippy turned back to his small albino white fur self and hopped on Kitsune's shoulder. "So did anyone catch the Howler?" Artemis asked.

They all looked at each other then facepalmed. (Chippy, sent Howler to Negative Dimension.) "Why didn't you lead with that fur face!?" Artemis exclaimed (Because, you called Chippy a Monkey. We are different I am ape not monkey.) "Alright you two, Calm down as much fun as it is to troll Artemis you have to learn teamwork and how to communicate." Joan interjected. "Joan is right, We're a team like it or not and I know Chippy has been a new edition from our previous dynamics but we have to work better together it's four of us now."