Chapter 26

As Me and Chippy began to exit out the Negative Dimension into Atlantis I could sense Arctora'hm's pain I fell to my knees in anguish as I gripped my shoulder in pain. "Hang in there my setting sun we're coming for you." (Mother! are you alright!?) "Chippy go find your father he's in grave danger I'll be right behind you." Chippy quickly followed the negative energy trail and found Lady Shiva and Arctora'hm. Chippy growled and howled as he started to change into his negative dimensional form. Chippy's eyes turned charcoal black and his hands and feet grew claws as his fur turned from albino white to Dark Purple and icy blue frosted tips and he grew in size as he sliced the air and Lady Shiva and The league of Shadow minions went flying in the air as the wind sliced them up Lady Shiva manged to survive and catch herself by digging the sword of Cleopatra into the ground.

Kitsune showed up just in time as she put herself in-between Arctora'hm and Lady Shiva. "Get away from him." "Out of my way!" Lady Shiva threw a smoke bomb on the ground and disappeared. (Chippy, grab Tora and get him to the Zeta-Tubes.) (Understood mother.) Chippy grabbed me and headed for the Zeta-Tubes as I directed him to them. Kitsune eyes began to glow an electrifying neon lavender-white as she traced Lady Shiva's bioelectric essence she jumped in the air and landed just at the door to the Zeta-Tubes. "Your ass thought you were slick?" "You're already a nuisance." Lady Shiva took the Sword of Cleopatra and sliced downward when Kitsune deflected the swing and used her other curved short sword to disarm Lady Shiva in a quick motion. "But how!?" "This ain't anime."

(Good, I've gotten so proficient with my bioelectrical eyes now to the point I can read her next few steps before she can make it. But I have to be careful not to overuse them or else.) Kitsune grabbed the Sword of Cleopatra and held it out at Lady Shivas' neck when an explosion appeared. "Why is it always an explosion? Can't the heroes ever get a win without the villain making an escape?" "Uh, who are you talking to?" (Curse Tora, I gained his annoying habit of breaking the fourth wall.) "No one, just myself." "Uh-huh." (Mother! we've made it to the Zeta-Tubes but we have company; a weird person in blue armor.) (Blue Beetle! Don't do anything I'll be right there.)