Chapter 33 (M)

When Ari woke up, he knew that it was still too soon for him to be awake as he checked the time just to confirm it. It was still too early in the morning, and he groaned sitting up feeling annoyed at the sound of his mother walking around in the distance as he cursed his sensitive hearing.

It took him three seconds to realize that this wasn't his room and the distant steps he was hearing were much heavier than his mother's.

Ari looked at the door panic-stricken wondering how he could be so stupid.

The fact that he was tired and desperate did not excuse his past self for being so careless. There was no way he would have allowed himself to just go into somebody's place and sleep in their room so easily. Especially not an alpha.

But the fact that this alpha is Constantine just made everything a lot worse.

Sleeping with him at a party where people were around was one thing – besides he was under the effects of pheromones, he didn't think about it clearly – but being in his room in his bed was another. Without much thought, Ari rushed for his pants and put them on knowing for certain that the only reason he even felt comfortable to take them off in the first place was because of pheromones as well. Constantine's scent filled the place.

The same mistake he made at the party; he was making again.

Even if he was aware of the mess he was in, it was too late to do anything about it now. Ari was too afraid to approach the door and leave knowing that Constantine was on the other side. All he could do was just sit and stare at it until the inevitable moment when it opens.

Biting his lip, Ari shifted in his place feeling his panic rise with each passing second. The thumping of his heart resounded in his ear as he picked up his phone again to see if there's any response from his mother. He didn't expect one, but was pleasantly surprised when he saw that she actually did respond to his messages at two in the morning when he was asleep telling him she'd be there to pick him up.

But then he read her whole message and his heart sank when he realized she'd be there much later than he hoped. His situation was hopeless and he contemplated if he should pretend to be in deep sleep the whole time when he set his phone down. This wasn't good, he really felt like he was in danger.

His heart wouldn't calm down. He's scared.

Curse his mother for being so uncaring, why does this always happen to him?

Ari could clearly smell blood the moment the inevitable happened and Constantine walked in so casually not bothered by the fact that his face, along with his clothes, were dirtied by blood.

He paused in mild surprise at the sight of Ari fully awake and gave him a grin.

"Did I wake you?"

"No, I was already up." He lied with a shake of his head nervously standing on his feet and hoped that it wasn't obvious that he was trembling. "I should really go now."

Unluckily for Ari, who could use a break once in a while, Constantine was very preceptive of any signs of weaknesses, and the way he curtly let out a thoughtful hum as he approached Ari told him that he wasn't fooling anyone.

The close proximity made him gulp nervously and take a step back, but his foot hit the edge of the bed when he did and he couldn't stop the bloodied hands grabbing him by the neck and tilted his head up by the side of his jaws.

Amusement is all Ari could see when his eyes met Constantine's.

"Isn't it still too early for you to be out?" Ari shook his head feebly at that but stopped when Constantine leaned down touching his forehead with his. "I'm not eager to let you leave just yet."

Ari's lips quivered when a thumb stroked his cheek. "My mother- She'll pick me up soon."

"From what I learned, your definition of soon is a bit inaccurate."

He didn't know when Constantine's other hand traveled down to his back, but he was sure that it was the only reason he was still standing upright. There was nowhere for him to run, and he knew that his flimsy lies and excuses wouldn't work. All he could do was helplessly let his lips be captured in a kiss he didn't even dare to resist.

Really, all he could do was just let it happened.

A voice not unlike a whine escaped him when it was over and he found himself weakly pushing Constantine away feeling trapped in his hold.

"I really shouldn't be doing this." He said mostly to himself, but it didn't sound very convincing. Not when his knees felt like they could buckle at any moment and his cheeks heating up as he tried to half-heartedly pull away from Constantine's grip. There was no use in it as he already felt like he was being dragged into this, and he didn't want to acknowledge that he wanted to be dragged into it. "I really shouldn't." He repeated hopelessly.

But sometimes rationality was difficult to maintain, and this is one of those times where Ari felt like his mind was becoming cloudier by the minute. The more they stayed like this, the less he felt like fighting it.

Constantine grabbed his hair and pulled his head back to have an easier access to his neck making Ari's heartbeat quicken. He knew he should do something, he should panic and push him away, but he just stayed still in his fear and haze.

Scared, a whimper left him.

A laugh came out of Constantine who gave his neck a little peck.

"Don't worry, I won't bite." He told Ari who felt him smile against his skin before sadistically adding. "Not sure if I can keep that promise later, though."

It is all because of his lack of self-control that he tearfully nodded as if he trusted those words.

That was an invitation to continue, and it wasn't what Ari was supposed to do, but his body was treacherous and the man in front of him was an alpha who wanted him. He had him once, and he was going to have him again, and Ari was powerless to stop him and himself from letting it happen.

This was all too risky, he knew it, and while he was trying to will himself to tell Constantine to stop, he found different words coming out of his mouth as he quietly cried.

It was all just too difficult, too scary.

"Please just do it. Get it over with." He clung to Constantine with his hand shaking, and the latter fondly kissed some of the tears away finding it all to be enticing.

"Not yet, you crybaby, not when you don't mean it." Constantine chided him gently, but his hands were already getting to work and Ari found himself on his back panting on the bed with his pants off once more. There was no point in putting them on earlier as he distantly wondered why he even bothered.

He then bravely gave Constantine's shirt a tug eyeing it with discomfort earning himself an inquisitive look.

"You smell like blood." Ari flinched wanting it all to stop. There was blood all over him and Constantine now, and he couldn't help but feel like he was the only one who minded. That made Constantine simply take it off with one swift movement letting it fall somewhere out of Ari's sight. He could still smell it, but Constantine didn't give him a chance to voice out any more complaints.

The feeling of his hot, but forgotten, tears ran through the side of his cheek as Constantine wasted no time in shutting him up with another hungrier kiss.

All he knows is that somewhere in all that he started kissing him back swept away by his lust and something more. Nothing mattered. There was no point in thinking too much about his own hands pulling Constantine closer, he wasn't thinking.

It didn't matter how warm he felt when hands trailed their way up his right thigh while he was distracted by the kiss. Ari could feel it settle under his knees hinting at what's to come, and their kiss broke allowing him to voice out any protests he might have as he tried to sit up.

No protests came out of his mouth, and he only has himself to blame when a hand grabbed him by the neck and pushed him back down. There was nothing gentle about it.

Ari's vision was blurred with tears that he blinked away as he stared up at the unfamiliar ceiling while Constantine pinned him by his neck to the bed making it hard for him to breathe. He wasn't choking him, but he might as well judging by how roughly he's being treated.

The feeling of being trapped overwhelmed him when he realized that no matter how hard he pushed the hand away, it wouldn't budge. Constantine didn't seem to notice he was trying to push it away. When found that it was gradually getting harder to breathe, he internally panicked.

There were so many things happening at once, but Ari could only focus on the hand that on his neck as he clawed and scratched at it struggling for air as he did so. The pressure immediately lightened, but the hand was still there holding him in place and Ari was sure he drew blood in his struggle. As he panted feeling like crying all over again. He could smell the blood. Constantine's blood.

And Constantine didn't mind it.

A gentle apologetic kiss was placed on his temple, and Ari didn't even have time to feel relieved about his ability to breathe comfortably again before he let out a strained voice when he felt the familiar feeling of something sliding in inside of him making his toes curl in response.

The feeling of being entered was something he might never get used to, but he didn't have time to think about that when Constantine moved.

All Ari could do was just grasp the bedsheets and take it as the pace was rougher than the last time it happened, and his head rolled back while one shameful sound after another spilled out of him.

Despite the rough pace and the rough treatment, there still were gentle touches in between that offered him a sense of comfort that made him hate how easily swayed he was as he leaned every time into each one of those touches.

Ari knew then that he was an idiot.

Even as he yelped in pain he still wanted more and drew the other closer to him reciprocating every kiss and every gesture. It was as if he was starving for any type of love and appreciation not matter how twisted. He was in the arms of a psychopathic killer who was enjoying the pain he was causing, and the pain he was receiving, in the form of a struggling crying Ari who similarly craved more of that.

There's no doubt about it, he's an idiot.

A clumsy, tripping fool of an idiot who'll soon be falling...