Chapter 38

The cell he was in was not at all comfortable. It was cold, hard, and just the way he likes it.

This imitation of how humans uphold the law often amused him. He might be in what could only be seen as a police station with people wearing police uniforms, but it was clear that they weren't normal policemen or women. They were all werewolves, and there are traces of silver in every corner ready to be used if he dared to try anything.

Nobody had spoken to him at all after the incident, and he knew exactly why.

It was because everyone listened to their dear future alpha, and their dear future alpha was approaching his cell with clenched fists and a wary expression.

He stared at Constantine whose hands were cuffed behind his back along with his ankles, and these were connected by a chain that attached him to the wall behind him. In more ways than one, Constantine was at a great disadvantage and yet Alec couldn't find it in himself to display an ounce of arrogance at that sight.

Instead, he was nervous and tried his best not to show it.

"So you're a Dietrich." That was the first thing he said as he leaned on the cell's door making Constantine incredibly disappointed. He expected something more exciting, more scathing. "This is the only reason why you're still alive right now."

Constantine gave him an amused smile and raised an eyebrow. "Are you sure that's the reason?"

"Does it really matter? You killed someone, one of our own. A girl lost her father today." Alec spoke to him as if he cared.

Clearly he didn't.

With his body leaning back against the wall, Constantine felt unbearably bored. He killed more than just this man, no reason for this shocked disgust he was facing. His fault for expecting something fun. "I know, I've met her. Your point being?"

Alec leaned back in a mixture of shock and disbelief. They were talking about a man's life and a family who lost their loved one. More than one life was ruined by his actions, and he couldn't begin to think how this would affect the man's daughter, Heather. His wife - now widow - is still breaking down after the loss of her husband and mate.

This wretched man hurt them in more ways than one, and he still didn't show any hint of remorse or care.

"My point is you're worthless." Alec spat grabbing the bars feeling like he could rip them apart with his anger alone. "You're the one who should be dead and rotting in hell."

A slow grin appeared on Constantine's face, and suddenly he was fiendishly delighted at the emotions he was evoking.

It made him wonder if Alec realized the only reason he was behind a cell was because he allowed himself to be taken there in the first place.

"Keep telling me sweet things like that, I like it." He replied unaffected before provokingly adding. "Eli might like it, too, if I do it to him."

"You piece of-" Emotionally, Alec recklessly pushed himself back from the bars and grabbed one of the men beside him ripping the keys from his belt.

Realizing what was going on, the two betas tried holding Alec back as he unlocked the cell with a click that drowned something and strode right in with murderous intent. It was such a raw display of emotions that he was displaying, and Constantine loved nothing more than to toy with the chaotic fluctuating feelings of a young alpha. Seeing him lose control like that was fun, and whatever happens next would be his own fault.

Besides, the men were holding back the wrong man.

"I will kill you, asshole!"

Alec lunged his way claws out and all, and years of training gave him an impressive agility that made the betas behind him unable to act quickly enough. One slash to Constantine's throat, and he'll be a dying bleeding mess born out of fury.

That's why everyone was surprised when it was Alec who was kneeling on the floor with a large gash on his face, and before he could even realize what happened, a hand pulled him up by the back of his shirt as if he was nothing more than a helpless child before he felt the presence of something sharp against his neck.

A sharp claw pressed against his throat in full view of everyone. One swift move and his throat will be sliced open.

"Try anything and he's dead." He informed the betas who stood there with more of them grouping up near the cell ready to take action. Muttering something, Constantine kicked his feet breaking the cuffs that held them. Cuffs that were specifically made to withstand a werewolf's strength. "Change of plans, they try anything and they're dead."

Alec did know if he should be worried about the lunatic's casual display of strength or his threats. The last sentence was directed at Alec himself, and he didn't have much of a choice there.

Before anything happened, Alec waved his hand at his men. "Stand down, I'm fine."

When some of the men hesitated as Constantine dragged their beloved future alpha out, Alec repeated his words more firmly. "I am fine."

"Smartest thing you ever did, alpha. You saved many lives today." Constantine told him mockingly, but Alec knew that his words were true. He heard him count the men that appeared under his breath, and his estimation was scarily accurate. "I got second-hand embarrassment at this attempt of keeping me locked up."

After all, there was a reason why his father makes sure to drug him before he attempts to restrain him. It was mostly done to annoy Constantine, but it was also to ensure that he stays in one place for a while.

It was his father's sick sense of humour that trained him into being an escape artist. Constantine was able to escape the cuffs they used on him since he was twelve.

You stab your father one time and he locks you in the basement...

They were getting strange looks as they walked outside, probably from Alec's bleeding face, and he had to wave off the concern of some well-meaning people who approached him with worry. Constantine was dragging him in such a way that was as threatening as it was inconspicuous, and that was frighteningly so.

Alec knew that if Constantine wanted him dead, he'd already be dead as he silently let himself be dragged to the edge of town where the number of people declined.

It was only when they were out of most people's earshot did Alec speak.

"Why did you do it?" Alec asked after a while of them not saying anything and his heartbeat quickened when he realized that they're near where Eli lived. He was trying to distract the psycho from his mate. "Do you just kill because you feel like it?"

"Sometimes." Constantine answered him distractedly as he watched Alec's eyes gravitate somewhere. He was laughably easy to read. "Eli live here?"

The way Alec froze told him all he needed to know.

"Stay away from Eli."

Constantine laughed pushing him away finally letting him go. "You're actually dumb, aren't you? This isn't me insulting you, this is an observation."

Alec merely glared at him cautiously eyeing him for any sudden movements, especially movement towards Eli's house. His mind was too preoccupied with figuring out how this freak knew about where Eli lived that he failed to see that he only knew the general area of where because of him.

Still, he didn't dare say anything.

"I killed that idiot because he pissed me off. Failed to keep his mouth shut about our little secret." Constantine told him, unprompted, looking at Alec with nothing but entertainment all over his expression. "I also had my reasons to kill those five men of yours."

"There's nothing that would justify their deaths." He seethed, but still did not move an inch.

"They came to me." Constantine told him ripping the remnants of his cuffs away from his limbs. He continued speaking as he carelessly threw them aside. "We had a deal, and they didn't hold their end of it."

"What deal?" Alec was too curious not to ask, and he wasn't sure if he could trust his words. But did someone like Constantine need a reason to lie about this?

His father alone would be able to sweep this whole mess under the rug.

"The deal was to kill you and your father, dear alpha." Constantine informed him casually as if he was talking about a normal business deal. Frankly Alec had thought it was about drugs or some stolen goods, but this was not anything he had expected. "Blood money is money after all."

He didn't mention that his father was another factor of it. The consequences of killing his father's old friend for money was not something he wanted to deal with. It'll be too much of a headache.

It was easier to kill those men than deal with his father.

Some pots should just be left unstirred.

"But," Alec frowned in confusion. "We're still alive. How did they not hold their end?"

The look of utter disgust that appeared on his face was all because of how cluelessly stupid Alec was. There was no doubt in Constantine's mind that intelligence just wasn't Alec's strong point, and their pack was doomed if he didn't decide to grow a brain inside of his head.

At least Constantine improved his looks by slashing his face.

"Half of the money upfront is always the deal." Constantine told him already planning to leave. He couldn't tolerate how dull it was getting. "Threatening me to tattle so I do it anyways, well, you can see how it ended for them. Can I go now?"

Alec had to remind himself that this didn't mean that Constantine was on their side, he didn't care about him or his father. All he cared about was the fact that he was cheated out of his money.

"Don't think I'll be grateful for you for sparing my life."

"Don't be, it isn't worth the trouble." Constantine snorted successfully infuriating him. "And it'll only take me two seconds to kill you, so no fun either. I am still taking the omega, though."

Alec didn't have the chance to confirm that first statement or protest the second one because Constantine was already gone by then.

He just stood there with balled fists shaking at the thought of someone else taking Eli away from him.

And in all honesty, Constantine just wanted everyone to stop mentioning the five dead men to him again.

He really barely remembers them.