Chapter 72

It was best to get something over with once presented the chance, especially when it isn't something pleasant. Chris had been stalling all this time.

The past few months were beautiful, it was the most peace he had ever had. He hadn't seen Constantine in so long and it showed on his face. Chris was well-rested, not as strained, and definitely didn't drink as much as he had when Constantine often turned up with a disaster he had caused.

And best of all, no more games.

At least Constantine played nice with his mother. It was impressive how he still kept being a difficult insolent son while still avoid bringing up any mentions of pack matters and murder around her. One of his many talents was keeping his mother happy while simultaneously annoying the hell out of Chris.

He always hated how close he lived near his mother, he always made sure to ruin at least one day whenever Chris wanted to spend a lovely time with his wife alone.

Unfortunately, she was very fond of Constantine. A perfect being cannot exist, and so Chris accepted that this was her one flaw.

But then she had mentioned that she was suspicious of Constantine, and it almost made him die in fright because he didn't know how to explain to her that her son regularly killed, but thankfully she was only suspecting that there was someone in his life.

A suspicion Chris knew to be true, but he pretended not to know.

And that's when he realized that he never really met that mate of his son. An interesting person no doubt, but all he knew about him was that he was an omega who hid it by pretending to be a beta for several years. He was also the omega who caused the headache-inducing game that Constantine started.

All that time making them believe he was after Eli only to have been after someone else entirely. It was so like Constantine.

Nothing was ever straightforward with him.

Not to mention that he also regularly killed people which is an important detail and justification for what Chris had prepared for this eventful meeting.

The sedatives were hidden somewhere he could easily reach if he had to, and one of the bottles of wine was spiked with the same drugs he keeps using on Constantine – assuming that his mate drank. Furthermore, there are some restrains that he took out in case they were needed, and some of his men were ready on call. The only upside was that they're dealing with an omega, he should be easy to handle.

Even so, Chris didn't know what he was dealing with, it was better to be safe and sorry.

But he did know what to expect. This was Constantine's mate after all, and all of Chris' expectations were ones he did not look forward to. Who else would willingly be in a relationship with his son?

Chris expected crazy, something he'd describe as batshit insane. He also expected something that would make him end this meeting in seconds due to the displeasure he'll be feeling. There was no doubt that whoever it is, they'll be annoying to deal with. He'd go as far as to say that he expected someone erratic, someone who was just as uncontrollable and frustrating as his son.

So when the door finally opened, Chris found dread sneaking up on him as he caught himself before he showed the dismay he was feeling on his face. No matter what, it would not be a good thing to greet his guest with a disgusted frown. Especially not when it was their first impression of him.

However, something was wrong. Terribly so.

This wasn't quite right; a mistake must have occurred somewhere.

The world felt like it was upside down as his guest walked in and all of Chris' expectation came crashing down as he slowly processed what he was seeing. It almost made him feel lightheaded.

Seems like Constantine gave him headaches even when he didn't mean to.

"Aurelius, I presume?" He found himself asking just to be sure. It almost felt like he was in one of Constantine's games because this was virtually impossible.

A soft charming smile was his response as he gestured to the seat beside him, and he followed Aurelius with his gaze finding himself unable to stop watching him right to the moment where he took a seat.

The person who sat in front of him was irrefutably and captivatingly beautiful that he couldn't help but remember when he saw him back at one of his parties. Cassie had mistaken him for Eli, and it was hard to forget a face – no a person – like Aurelius.

It was clear that he was a gentle personality, and his moves had a sort of elegance that just contrasted with everything he had expected. This was not someone he'd imagine to be paired with his son, let alone someone who is a mate to his son.

Chris almost asked him how much he was paid to do this.

Clearing his throat to regain his voice again, he silently prayed it wouldn't come out hoarse or crack when he spoke because what in the world was happening?

"I invited you here to formally welcome you into this pack. And while I am aware that you're with that idi- son of mine, I wanted you to know that you're also always welcome here. You're family now."

It's the way his eyes light up when he smiled that's so fatal, and Chris had to stop himself from shaking his head at how bizarre everything is. Not even ten minutes passed by, and he was easily being charmed by a single smile.

How unlike Constantine.

"Thank you so much. I really appreciate this warm welcome."

And he sounded sincere when he said it as he expressed his gratitude. Chris also observed how shy Aurelius was when he looked down with pink cheeks as he spoke, moving a strand of his hair behind his ear just to distract himself from his nervousness.

All he could see was beautiful, sane, and no traces of crazy.

"So you and Constantine, huh?" He couldn't hide the disbelief in his voice, and it might have led Aurelius let out a lovely laugh as he nodded his head.

"Yes." The answer was so simple, yet Chris still had a hard time believing it.

"You're aware of what he does?"

"I try not to think about it too much." Aurelius mumbled looking down at his hands before he continued. "He did save me from a feral once."

Chris bit his tongue to prevent himself from informing the poor boy that saving lives wasn't exactly something Constantine did on the regular, and it was only because he was someone his son wanted that he did so. However, he felt sorry for Aurelius and didn't want to reveal too much about his son's abhorrent activities.

He thought Aurelius deserved to live in ignorant bliss, even if temporarily.

And the conversations that followed were polite and pleasant.

Chris found himself enjoying the company of Ari, and was pleasantly surprised when he recognized some of the books he mentioned. Not once had anything related to murder come up, and Aurelius really did sound completely normal. There was nothing out of the ordinary about him.

To the last moment that Chris spent with him, he found himself searching for that one thing that would justify this pairing by the moon goddess, but he found none.

He concluded that the moon goddess was drunk that day when she assigned them together, and he'll be just as drunk as her soon once he saw Aurelius off, and he was given one last beautiful smile, almost a sly one, when he finally did.

Absolutely charming.

There was no way that a sweet little thing could end up with his son. It made Chris wonder just how much about Constantine did Aurelius know, and if he actually was aware of all the deaths that happened because of him. Those alphas, his mother...

Chris actually felt mortified at ever considering using restrains and sedatives on someone like Ari. That was just unthinkable-

"But I never killed the alphas."

Chris didn't know why Constantine's words came back to him as he stood by the door with a scowl, almost believing these words. It occurred to him that Constantine never did bother to hide the truth about who he killed, nor did he take credit for kills that weren't his own.

"You killed their mother."

"Per their request."

Ah, Chris thought as he shook his head with a smile.

Here it is, that's how they're together.

Aurelius really did fool him.