Chapter 6: Dreams

His lips were soft on mine, his hands holding tightly onto me as if I'd disappear if he let go. His body was pressed hard against mine and all I wanted was to just remain in his embrace forever. He smelt so good, like musk mixed with cinnamon and mint with a woodsy hint.

He gently placed the hand he held onto his chest, still not breaking the kiss, and I could feel his heart beating erratically. Was I the reason his heart was beating so fast? I wanted to ask but that meant pulling away from him and I didn't want to break the contact.

"You're the reason," his breath came out soft and quiet as he pulled back, eyes closed with his forehead touching mine.

I watched him intently, taking everything about him in. His hair was matted to his forehead and he looked breathtaking. He was all mine and that made my heart stir.

I grabbed his face which felt soft in my hands and kissed hard. I wanted to savour whatever time I had with him and I needed him to know I loved him. I loved him longer than I'd realised.

"I love you Luke," he breathed as he pulled back, cupping my face. "Please don't break my heart." His breath fanned my face, smelling of mint and coffee.

"I love you Elliot, please don't leave me."


"Dude, where's your head?" Neil scowled as he snapped his fingers in front of my face.

I shook my head, clearing the remnants of the dream I had. "Sorry, I have a lot on my mind." I picked at my lunch, no longer feeling hungry.

Patience and Lynn had to help out at the library and so they couldn't join us for lunch. I wanted to wrap my arms around Patience and forget whatever twisted games my head was playing. What happened between Elliot and I at the lake wasn't anything. I'd kissed him so he would leave him alone. So, why was he still haunting me even in my dreams?

"Anyway, I was asking if you've seen Elliot, he was supposed to help me with something."

My eyes snapped to Neil who was stuffing his face with a burger. "Help with what? you know I can help you with whatever it is. You don't need him."

The scrapping of a chair on the floor had my head turning to see who it was and I froze. You've got to be kidding me. Elliot sat backwards with his legs spread around the chair's legs.

Neil perked up. "I thought you stood me up," he said through a mouthful. "And Luke offered to help, gosh no."

I glared at him and frowned as Elliot took a chip from my plate and popped it into his mouth. I narrowed my eyes at Elliot and he winked before turning his attention to Neil.

"What's up?" Elliot asked nonchalantly as he proceeded to take more chips from my plate.

"How do you do it? Look and act cool while not caring but still get the girls to swoon over you like that?" Neil huffed, sinking back in his chair. He ran his fingers through his hair in frustration. "You know Yvette? I've had a crush on her forever but she doesn't see me like that."

I scoffed and filled in when Elliot threw me a curious look. "He's talking about Ms. Wells, the guidance counsellor."

Elliot arched an inquisitive eyebrow at Neil who blushed and looked anywhere but at us. "Don't you think there's a reason why she's not returning the affection?"

"More like she's avoiding a lawsuit for fraternising with a minor," I scoffed and leaned back in my chair finding the whole conversation laughable.

"I know she likes me too," Neil went on, leaning forward as if he was sharing a secret. "I just need her to acknowledge her feelings for me and maybe a kiss or two."

I saw Elliot's lips twitch from the corner of my eye and I knew he was fighting back a laugh the same way I was. Neil was my best friend but sometimes he uttered nonsense and maybe he needed an outsider's opinion for him to finally come to his senses.

"Mmm," Elliot replied through thinned lips and took another chip from my plate. I sighed before pushing the plate to him. He eyed me and I just shrugged. "You should try girls your own age. I'm sure Yvette doesn't want to lose her job because of you and I highly doubt you want to carry that guilt. Trust me, it's not the best thing."

That piqued my interest. There was an urge to reach and hold his hand but instead, I eyed him cautiously because Neil was there and we were in public. I had to mind what I did, said and more importantly, how I acted with Elliot when we were in public.

Huffing, Neil threw his hands up in exasperation. "I thought you'd get it, but you're on the same side as Luke and I do not need another Debbie Downer telling me I should give up on Yvette."

"I'm just telling you the truth, you're Luke's friend and I highly doubt he has reason to lie to you."

"Whatever, I'll find a way to make her like me back with or without your help."

I shook my head, wanting to say something that wouldn't make Neil think I didn't want him to be happy but nothing came to mind. The harder I tried thinking of what to say, the more the dream flashed through my mind and I had to fight a blush creeping up my face as I stole a glance at Elliot who looked amused.

He mouthed something just as I felt soft hands cover my eyes from behind and I immediately knew who it was. I grabbed Patience's hands and pulled into my lap. She wrapped her arms around my neck and pressed her lips against mine. I heard the scrapping of a chair against the floor and I knew who it was without looking.

Patience pulled away and glanced at where Elliot had been not too long ago.

"Where's Elliot?"

"Don't know, he probably had better things to do than watch the two of you make out. I know I would," Neil snarled as he got up.

My eyes trailed to the door where Elliot glanced at me, a flicker of sadness washed across his face breaking my heart but it hardened and he was out of view.

What was I doing? I had to figure out what I really wanted before I hurt anyone's feelings, much less my own.