Chapter 8: Meeting his Family

The next few days flew in a blur. It was hard to see Elliot and pretend like he didn't exist. Every time I'd see him, I'd turn back so I didn't have to run into him and he would want to talk about what had happened, something I didn't want to do. But thankfully it was the weekend and there was no way I would run into him.

Things with Patience were getting better but I still felt bad about telling her of the kiss Elliot and I had shared, afraid that she was going to despise me and would never want anything to do with me.

"Earth to Luke," Daniel snapped his fingers in front of my face and I snapped out of my thoughts. He was looking at me with worry. "Are you okay?"

I gave him a closed lip smile, "of course I'm okay. Why wouldn't I be?"

Daniel sighed and picked up his smoothie, "as much as I love spending time with you, don't you have friends you can hang out with? How about Elliot? I haven't seen him in a long time."

The mention of Elliot's name made me stiff in my chair. I didn't want to think about him much less talk about him. "We aren't friends, I already told you that," I replied and picked up a crisp from the bag. "Besides, why are you complaining? Weren't you the one who wanted to go out and watch a movie?"

Daniel shook with laughter, "Touche, but that was because you looked miserable lying on the couch pretending to be watching TV," he said and he suddenly became serious.

"Seriously, what's bothering you? Did you have a fight with Patience? Neil? Elliot?"

I threw him a dirty look. "I didn't get into a fight with Patience or Neil and I definitely didn't get into a fight with Elliot but I will get into one with you if you keep bringing his name up," I snapped and pushed the bag of crisps over to him. "We weren't, aren't and won't ever be friends. The sooner you understand that the better."

"Gotcha, never bringing him up ever again," Daniel raised his hands in surrender. "Anyway, I think the movie is about to start, we should get going before all the good seats are taken." He got up and I followed after him.

The movie was boring, or maybe it's because I wasn't paying attention to it. I kept checking my phone, hoping there was a text, from who exactly I wasn't so sure. By the time the movie ended, I was about ready to pass out from boredom.

"That was so boring. Why did you pick such a boring movie?" I said to Daniel as we walked out of the movie theatre.

Daniel stopped walking and stared at me blankly. "Maybe if you were watching the movie and hadn't spent your time checking your phone then you would have actually gotten the story," he replied and then resumed walking.

I rolled my eyes, "that's because it was boring and my phone was more interesting."

"Uh-huh, and what was the story? Tell me what exactly about it was so boring and maybe I just might believe you."

I bit my bottom lip in thought, knowing I had been busted.

"Thought as much, you weren't even watching, what's gotten into you?" Daniel sighed and stopped walking abruptly so that I almost bumped into him. He turned around and placed his hands on my shoulders. "What's really going on? You know you can talk to me about anything and I will understand. I'm not like dad who makes everything about him and his bloody reputation."

"I won't yell at you nor will I be disappointed but you have to talk to me. I'm always here for you no matter what."

I could feel tears prick my eyes. Talking to Daniel always made me feel better and he always offered me clarity most of the time but I wasn't sure I could talk to him about this. I still didn't have my feelings figured out, so how could I tell him about it?

"I don't know," the words finally came out. "Everything just seems confusing, I don't even know what I feel, much less think I can talk about it yet."

A small smile passed over Daniel's face, "whatever it is, I'm sure we can figure it out if you tell me. It possibly can't be that hard."

If he knew about what I had been up to for the past few days, then I'm sure he wouldn't look at me the same. There were secrets too big to share and I still wanted him to see me the same way he had always.

I removed his hands from shoulders and smiled at him, pushing back the tears and fears for later. "I'm hungry."

Daniel shook his head, he opened his mouth then closed it. "What do you want to have?" he asked instead.



We found a Korean restaurant on the other side of the mall. The place was packed but thankfully we were able to get a table. For the time being, I was okay, I was in one of my favourite restaurants about to have my favourite food.

We placed our orders, Daniel getting Tteokbokki with Kimchi while I got the Bibimbap with Sundae. As we were waiting for our order to be delivered, I found Daniel looking at something behind me.

"What are you looking at?"

Daniel shook his head, it's nothing you have to worry about," he replied.

I didn't believe him so I turned to look back but he grabbed my shoulders, stopping me. "I said it's nothing, Why can't you just believe me this once," he sighed.

"Okay, okay, I won't look, jeez."

"Thank you."

Daniel finally let go of my shoulders and pulled out his phone. I gave him a long look before I sneaked a glance back. There, with Lillian was Elliot. He was talking to a little girl who had the same blue eyes as him and there was also an older looking guy who had an arm behind Lillian's chair. That must be his younger sister and older brother. They all had the same blue eyes and the guy looked an older version of Elliot except he had auburn hair not black.

"I told you not to look," Daniel sighed and I turned back to face him.

"I couldn't help it," I replied with a shrug.

Daniel was cut off as the waiters brought out food and suddenly my appetite was gone.

They placed the food on the table along with a jar of water and glasses. "Would you like anything else?"

"No, that will be all," Daniel replied and the waiters left us.

"You are the one who said not to mention his name, I was only doing what I was told," he said as he opened his chopsticks and started eating his Tteokbokki. He looked at me, chopsticks back on the table. "I know it's none of my business but what happened between you? One minute you seemed okay and then all of a sudden you couldn't even look at him."

I glared at him, "drop it Dan, it's nothing you should worry about." I picked up my chopsticks and dug into the Sundae, the Korean sausage melting into my mouth, making me realise just how hungry I really was.

Daniel didn't say anything after that and we ate in silence and when we were done, Daniel paid and got up ready to leave. But that was going to be a problem because Elliot and his family were sitting close to the door which meant he was going to see me and I wasn't ready to talk to him.

"Do you still want something?" Daniel asked with a quirked eyebrow. "Come on, I have something to do back home, running a business is really hard-work , you know."


I wished I had carried my cap with me as I got up and followed after Daniel, praying that none of them would see him.]

"Luke?" Lillian's voice stopped me and I cursed under my breath as I spun around to face her. Daniel had also stopped and I wasn't sure if he was worried or amused.

"Lillian, hey."

Elliot looked at Daniel only, and I didn't blame him after I had told him to stay away from me and then proceeded to ignore and hide from him.

"I haven't seen you in so long," Lillian went on. "This is Austin and Emani."

"I'm Daniel, Luke's elder brother," Daniel replied with that charming smile of his. "It was nice meeting you but we have to take our leave now."

Thank you.

"I hope I'll see you soon," Lillian said and then turned to Austin, "can you believe Eli made a friend."

"We aren't friends Lillian, just drop it," Elliot replied with a clenched jaw.

Daniel placed his arm over my shoulder and led us out of the restaurant.