Chapter 16: Be My Lab Partner

"When do you think we can get him?"

I heard Neil whispering to Elliot the following day as they stood idly by the lockers both looking carefree. I rolled my eyes, why didn't they just get it over with? I was tired of the waiting that I spent last night going over it with Patience on what they would be planning but all she did was laugh the entire time and then after two hours of nothing, she finally said goodnight while I stayed awake. I was so tired and sleepy and I was sure I had dark circles under my eyes from the way Daniel had reacted when he had seen me in the morning.

"You know I can hear you," I said as I finally stood in front of them. "Just get it over with. I'm tired of the waiting and honestly, I don't know what you are both planning but whatever it is, just do it so I can have a goodnight's sleep." I crossed my arms over my chest in exasperation.

Neil pushed himself from the locker and wrapped his arms around my shoulder. "Don't worry, it won't be that bad," he said, smiling devilishly. "And you really do need some sleep because damn, you look like a zombie and that's not a compliment."

I removed his arm from my shoulder with narrowed eyes. "Ha, ha, ha, really funny and here I thought you were actually paying me a compliment," I replied sarcastically. "Such a shame."

Elliot laughed, "I think zombies are cute," he said and threw me a wink which made Neil chuckle. "It means they can never know what's coming for them, kinda like how you are right now."

Neil high-fived him for that and I just sighed. This was really my life now? Both of them ganging up on me for a joke. What had the world turned into that people could no longer take a joke as a joke but had to overthink it all?

"I'm going to class while you both loiter around and talk about nothing productive." I turned on my heels and began walking in the direction of the labs. Today we had biology labs and I intended to be there on time so I could set up since it was my turn to do it.

I went to the staff room and got the keys for the lab after which I made my way to the lab and unlocked it. The place was dark and smelled like chemicals so I turned on all the lights and then opened the windows. Walking into the closet, I pulled on my coat which had my name on it along with a pair of gloves and got to work. It was comforting to be alone with my thoughts occupied with making sure that everything was prepared properly so that no accidents would ensue.

I didn't hear when the door opened but I almost jumped when I felt someone wrap their arms around my waist. I spun around, ready to punch the person but I stopped halfway when I noticed who it was.

"You scared me," I clutched my chest as I took in a deep breath to calm my racing heart. "And you shouldn't be here until class begins," I looked at my watch, "thirty minutes."

Elliot rolled his eyes as his hands went back to my waist, pulling me closer. He placed a kiss on my forehead, then cheek and nose. "I just wanted to get some time with you before everyone shows up and we have to pretend nothing is going on," he said softly.

I sighed as I looked at the door behind him. "I know, but if you want to not make it obvious, then grab your lab coat and help me," I said. "And if anyone asks why you are here, I'll simply tell them it's part of your punishment."

Elliot groaned as he removed his hands from my waist and walked over to the closet. "You are no fun," he huffed as he returned dressed in his lab coat. I felt my breath catch in my throat as I took him in. He had messy hair and his blue eyes looked darker in the lab's light. His school shirt was unbuttoned at the top while his neck tie hung loosely around his neck. There was just something about him that made me continue staring.

"What? Is there something on my face?" he asked, pulling my attention back to reality.

Clearing my throat, I turned around, not able to look at him. "No, I was just thinking about all the work that needs to be done before the class begins," I lied instead, feeling heat rise to my cheeks. Get a hold of yourself Luke before you end up embarrassing yourself more than you already feel.

"Okay boss, what should I start with?" he asked.

"Get the test tubes and forceps from the other closet and start placing them on each workstation while I will set up the microscopes and petri dishes," I answered, clearing my throat once more.

"Got it." He left and I was finally able to breathe properly again. Being so close to him was messing with my head and I had to remain focussed so that I didn't mess anything up for the lac.

We worked in silence for the next twenty minutes and when the other students started pilling outside, we had already finished setting up.

"Okay, now get the lab coats from the same closet you got yours along with the gloves and start handing them out to each person as they enter," I said.

Elliot saluted me and then got to work while I picked up the clipboard which had everyone's names on it.


"That was fun, we should do that again," Elliot said after the class was done and we were left with the lab assistant to clean and put everything back where it was. "But next time, tell me what actually being a lab assistant is because that was so much work and I still have my community service hours to do."

Finch and I laughed at his comment. "Trust me, it doesn't get better but at least you have access to all the equipment and you can do your own experiments when no one is watching," Finch said as he washed the petri dishes while I placed the microscopes back and Elliot was cleaning the forceps. "That's one of the only reasons why I decided to be a lab assistant."

"I could never manage doing all this all the time and carrying out the experiments all the time," Elliot said with a huff. "Biology is cool and all but I'm more of a Physics kind of guy. I love calculating and trying to prove everything that the theoretical guys bring,"

My heart skipped a beat, "Physics is also my favourite subject but I;m inclined towards space than anything," I said.

Elliot gave a look and I could see the cogs in his head turning before a smile broke out on his face. "I'll be damned. Who would have thought we have something in common."

Finch laughed, "another reason why the lab is great, You get to actually have meaningful conversations with the ones you work with," he said as he finished washing the petri dishes and dried them. Once he was done, he removed his gloves and turned to face us. "Thanks for helping out Elliot, usually only Luke stays behind to help even when it's not his day to help out so I really do appreciate your help."

Elliot waved him off. "No worries, I actually liked it more than I expected," he replied with a shrug. "And it's more peaceful once everyone is gone."

Finch and I laughed at that. "And if you want a place to hide out or carry out some unsanctioned experiments, just let me know and I can make something work for you," he added. "Just ask for Finch in the main office and they will put you through."

"Thanks," Elliot said as we hung out lab coats and then walked out of the lab. He placed an arm around me. "We should do that more often, and maybe more." To an onlooker, it seemed like we were just two friends having a conversation but my heart was in knots from the close proximity between us.