Chapter 41: Quitting

"Wow, so you are basically not going to be our Student President anymore?" Lynn said as the others stood all around me.

I knew quitting wasn't a part of it but if I was going to make any repairs then I was going to need to dedicate all my time and energy to it. I also had to come clean to Patience and tell everything that had happened between me and Elliot. I owed her an amends but I wasn't sure how she was going to take it. Was she going to yell at me and tell me never to talk to her again or was she going to cry? What if she still wanted to be together afterwards since there was nothing going on between Elliot and I right now? What was I going to do? Did I also tell her the reason behind my accident or do I leave that part out? I had so many questions running through my head that I had no answers to and wasn't sure how to go about making my so-called amends to the people that I had hurt. Maybe Dr. Hendricks would provide me with some clarity on what I needed to do.