Chapter 44: Tears

Daniel still wasn't talking to me even as he dropped me off at school. I felt bad about it but I knew it had been the right thing to tell him. After I had told him yesterday and we almost got into another accident, he had composed himself and we ended up driving back in absolute silence. He hadn't asked me any questions and I had been expecting him to yell at me, ask questions or simply just tell me that my decision had been stupid but he did neither.

Seems I was getting the silent treatment because as much as I had tried to talk to him, he wouldn't say anything much less even look at me. This was the price that I had to pay and I hoped he wouldn't tell our parents about it yet.

Sighing, I hoisted my bag as his car disappeared and turned to face the school where I found Neil waiting for me. "What did I do this time for you to be waiting for me like this?" I asked, eyeing him suspiciously.