Chapter 63: Failed Composure

"Casey said that? Damn, I would never have thought he was like that," Elliot said.

We were in the music room early in the morning because I had asked Daniel to drop me off early. This time, I hadn't lied to him, I had actually told him I had to meet up with Elliot and left it at that. At first, Daniel had furrowed his eyebrows in suspicion but then I showed him the text messages Elliot and I had exchanged the night before, making sure to hide the other things we said to each other that weren't meant for the public just yet.

I ran my fingers through my hair, tousling it but I didn't care if I ended up looking like I'd just rolled out of bed. "Yeah, he actually said that I couldn't believe he's actually said that. I'd tried to ask him questions about it but he shut me off before I could even have my thoughts figured out."