Chapter 67: Freedom

"Luke? Luke?" I heard someone yelling my name from across the school hallway. 

I strained my head to try and see who was calling me but I couldn't see anyone in the massive grove of students who were either just standing around their lockers talking to their friends or were rushing for their next class or whatever activity some of them had early in the morning.

"Luke? Over here," the person shouted once more. The voice sounded familiar but I wasn't sure who was calling out to me this early in the morning. Didn't they know that it was too early to be that loud and peppy?

I sighed as the crowd that was preventing me from seeing the person finally eased and I saw just who had been calling out to me so happy…Sher and her squad of cheerleaders. Just what I needed this morning, her and her drama. I braced myself mentally for whatever crap she had to say because in no time, she was standing in front of me, that annoying seductive smile plastered on her face.