Chapter 70: Ruin

It had been a week and I hadn't seen Elliot at school or in any of the classes. The first day I had tried looking for him in the music room but he wasn't there and I kept going back every other day to check if just maybe he was there but every time I was either met with an empty room or I ended up finding someone else entirely and when I asked if they had seen him, they always told me the last time they had seen him in the music room had been the previous. I was starting to give up hope of ever finding him.

On the other hand, Neil was hardly talking to me. All he would do was pretend to talk to me when others were around and then he would come up with some lame excuse and basically bolt away from me. The only people I had to talk to were Lynn and Patience and that was only because they still didn't know about what I had done. I wondered what they would do once they found out just how selfish I had initially been.