
"Brother Fowler, you have a girlfriend! Wow! I couldn't believe it!"

Omg! I have a girlfriend! When? Where? How?

Wait…, did he misunderstand Tangwen as my girlfriend? Oh no, Dear Ethan.

It isn't that way, right? I just wanted to pick up a smile on his face but… maybe it was a wrong thought when I discovered myself being glared at so shaky by Millou. Sh, this isn't right in the first place. I won't be kicked by him out of the room, no.

"Hey, Fowler. I won't spare your life if Ethan mentions that again."

"C'mon, Millou. Isn't it just Tang who accepted what I said?"

Atchh! Everything around me had gone deaf, my ears were shrill. Ethan covered his mouth in marvel, wide-eyed eyes. And Arin couldn't believe that Millou forced his fist on my cheek that angled my face a little distance to the floor. In astonishment, I straightened my body looking dumbfounded at him while my hand was on my cheek.

"Brother Millou, how can you hit Brother Fowler?"

I was a bit moved by the unexpected affection Ethan bounded toward me. He does care much more about me than his other mates. Little did I know, soon there was a gap between Ethan and Millou.

Forwarding to the dinner there was still a gap between Ethan and Millou.

"Fowler, how long are they gonna make a gap?"

"I'm zero, Arin. I guess Millou is gonna starve tonight."

"Ah, of course, as Ethan is the only one who knows how to cook here." Only Ethan? They don't know that even a person like me can do anything from household chores to job-holding. I just sniffed out a little breath and looked at the newly formed enemies.

"Are you not going to eat, Millou?"

I don't think Ethan is going to serve him. It's better if I take the place… "What are you going to do, Brother Fowler?" I turned to him and said calmly, "A little help to you, Ethan." Instead when I know why am I drawing near the kitchen.

Well… what should I make for him? I'm clueless as to his taste and smell toward food. He might be famished by the sudden change in Ethan's drawing near me. That's gonna give me false consequences in the future, Man. Huh… just let it out for now.

"Friend rice is the best. No?"

I touched on freshly grown tomatoes on the balcony, followed by spring onions. For a bit more taste I caught green capsicum and diced them all finite. Mushrooms and beans for the toppings. Now it's fried rice along with the fried veggies. And for the final touch-up, an omelet was cut off from the middle above the cupped rice.

I made two other plates for Ethan and Arin. "Tada! Try my omelet fried rice."

"Wow! Brother Fowler you're even good at cooking! You're just perfect!"

I just lined it off with a smile. That anguish face of Millou doesn't worry me much as I have clear info behind such an angular face. "I specifically prepared for you. So, have it?"

I was feeling lofty unless he said nothing though the plate was in front of him. I guessed he might be drooling for food and got touched by the vigorous smell but…there was not even a bit of expression on his face as if I was talking to a statue.

What's wrong with him now?

"I'm not an appetite, Fowler-" I'm not in the mood for the excuses over here. Just to not leave him hungry I prepared him such delicious food and he refused it! How dare you! I just snatched his collar and pulled him on the chair before he could leave the chair.

"Fow…ler…" I glared at him and he ran off with those scared eyes of him. "Just have it, Millou. Otherwise, your girlfriend is gonna be saddened." He looked with his meaningless eyes and turned his face away with puffed cheeks.

I chuckled to find him being a kid. These guys are surely crazy. "C'mon. Have it guys!"

"I'm gonna dig in it!"

"Me too, Ethan!"

They all took a bit and curious me was doubtfully frowning at them. Did they even like it? Their heads were up, looking at each other with neither normal nor cherished faces. Ethan with a touch to his lips of his saliva, glanced at me and then at his food.

"This food…" NO, No. Don't say you guys didn't like the taste guys…!

"IS REALLY AWESOME, Brother Fowler."

Huh?... For a moment, I didn't get what they meant but…Yeah! They loved the food! Anyhow I have more experience than any.

"Haha." I smiled with teeth blushing out bright soon others reflected to me like a mirror except Millou. He just dug in food…At least he loved my food. I smiled and flipped my hair. My eyes flew over when I walked to Millou with light steps.

Leaned down to his shoulder and whispered, "Are pancreas so tasty, Millou?" He suddenly dropped the spoon and passed me withstand unbelievable eyes crinkling over me. His eyeballs squeezed when my face was so cleanly close to his. Gulped down the food and uttered.

"Shut up, Fowler." All my body was back when I ended up with a smile. Desr, is this how you are supposed to deal with me? Maybe I might just end in this world, crossing over your bridge filled with water. You set up fishes in place of flowers and cactus in place of love.

That is why your love is harder now my Dear. "There's no point in laughing, Fowler."

"It isn't that, Millou. By the way, a high temper causes Eczema, Dear Friend."

"You say I should follow your recommendation now."

"It's up to you, My Dear Friend."

"I'm not your friend, Fowler!"


Kids of my old age often find everything engrossing from the fooling creativity on

haunting walls to the chalk lines acquainted on the roadways. Few littles often had knowledge of every house's secret paths. They might have never thought 'What if they get caught by the house owner one day?' Not to mention, such days no longer existed until I tagged it down if not these kids have changed their stake toward phones.

Those kids who never knew what these technological instruments meant at such a young age now had no time to think where these instruments had come from and turned into their stake this early. Have they ever thought in the first place? Might have not. Never too.

Time changed so momentarily. The kids who would round around people while hiding from their friends now I only see them holding tabs or phones. Just keep on typing around social media – family got cheap, no? They got friends online and broke the offline ones, is that even fair? …This atmosphere had vanished from the old and good ones.

It stings here. The odor doesn't suit what it should be. Anymore.

"Will the bus be over here by time?"

I might have questioned myself a long time ago if I hadn't spared a glance at the surroundings just to have a good look when I have just discovered there's nothing to see better than you might already find in my phone just by searching. These people prick!

I was hopelessly gaping at the people's phones, no matter if it might be left or right only phones were witnessed in their hands. I wish… Then something beautiful flashed in the position of my sight. A little girl in clean and tidy clothes with two ponytails having a pink ribbon tied into it had made an effort to make cute eye contact with me.

I flushed hard when the little girl smiled like a smiling ball. She's so beautiful! She's the only odd one who has no hold of the phone in her hands, instead a lollipop that gives more pleasure than this phone does, though it equally has negative and positive impacts.

"That's my sister." A little quiet but strict voice rang into my ear and insisted that I look back.

My eyes widened, wishing upon my fate of vanishing this day. The day I would ever imagine to come across one day. Just everything around me could be lost to sight like that silent interval of fog– when there was noise around me... I just heard her eyes speaking to me. What if it was just a dream? Might be or might not.

A person who has grazed a strong desire upon my demise. She wrote in the books saying my death was inked on her palms the day I went against her. Now… it's not further about Tang? It's somehow about a person, I exclaimed…


Her name is no less than a curse spell. The less I speak about her, the more I live in this world. Throughout my life…, the more I hate the closer I earn to it. And it's the only thing that wonders… now.

Will she repeat the hidden history?

"Yo! Moon! It's been a while."