Student Council Interview-1

1st Monday of May

Waiting in the Student Council Office, I was chatting with Honami Ichinose, the leader of class B, who also happens to be my neighbor in dormitory. During the few times I have spoken with her, she is seriously a good kid. Kid in the sense, she is a true high school honour student. Kind-hearted, helpful and honest to a fault. She will be easily swayed by someone's words as long as they abides by her morals. Atleast this is her basic resume I have created for her.

She was uncomfortable about telling me about her middle school, and she was too easy to read. Something happened in the past which burdens her with guilt, that will probably never lessen. It also compels her to be more kind. In a sense, she and Hirata are the alike.

"So, when will I get the chance to appear on your YouTube channel Suzuki-chan?"

Vice-President Miyabi Nagumo is also with us. Currently, Kataurugi of Class A is being interviewed in a separate room by President Horikita one-on-one.

"I will inform you about it Nagumo-kun. We are going to be co-workers soon anyways."

"How about calling me 'Senpai' for once? Since I have become a second year, I quite like being called a Senpai."

His eyes, they were screaming that he was a pretty cracked person. Short resume, likes to pry in other's business in order to obtain some weakness in them. This friendly attitude is the best to obtain information about the opposite party. And worst of all, a sick pervert with property fetish.

"Ara ara~ Trying to be show a dependable image? How cute~"

Everyone in the room flinched. O great Kaguya-sama! You are the best.

"Hahaha! No need to be so tensed. Anyway, I will tell you the reason. If called you, or in case anyone, Senpai, the whole world will focus on you. When you were born, your achievements, failures, all sorts of rumors, your relationships, past, present, future, nothing will escape from media. Afterall, calling someone Senpai means I have respect for him/her. You wouldn't want the whole world to know what you are up to, would you?"

Meaning, don't try to be friendly with me, if you have questionable traits.

"But you called Kiryuin-chan as Senpai in the concert though?"

"Isn't it simple, she has my respect. Anyway, you have been interviewing me quite a bit, so isn't it my turn? When I become the Student Council President in a few months, I have to know about all the members, right?

Rapid Fire! Your best friend?"

"He is not in the school. But doesn't the Pre-"

Meaning, he doesn't have anyone he can fully trust.

"Second question! Dream Job?"

"Ah! I think whatever will be interesting? But I wa-"

I see.

"Third question! Hottest boy in the second year?"

"Umm, people say it's me."

"Tch. Then Second year's quality is low."

I said that in a mutter, barely enough for him to hear me.

Then Tachibana-chan, the cute Secretary came with Katsuragi behind her. Looks like he is done with the interview and it is now Ichinose's turn.

"How was your interview Katsuragi-kun?"

"It was good."

He will not tell me the result? Looks like he got rejected.

"Say hello to Sakayanagi-chan for me!"

"Yes. I will."

And he exited the room. Secretary-chan came towards us and asked Ichinose.

"Ichinose-san, it's your turn."

"""Good luck Ichinose-chan!"""

Everyone present there wished her good luck. She is really popular.

"Thank you everyone!"

Now that Ichinose went away with Secretary-chan, I was alone with Nagumo. Let's see what kind of person he is, a little more closely.

"Oh Suzuki-chan! You want to become Student Council President?"

"Yes. Is it a bother?"

"That would be hard. I mean, only the senior most gets to be the President. You could become Vice-President this year and President next year."

"Is it a rule? I think it was simply because President Horikita was a better choice than you. Even if this school boasts to be one of a kind, the President should be elected like every other school, right?"

Studying his expression, he didn't react at all to being compared with Horikita. Amateur. If he reacted even a tiny bit awkward, he would not have revealed that he has inferiority complex against Horikita.

I decided that I can't be bothered talking anymore with him probing for information which he plans on using against me.

I took out my phone and started doing random stuff to kill time.








I thought that he would give up after such balant disregard of him. But he was quite tenacious.

"Hey Suzuki-chan, isn't it a bit rude to ignore the person sitting in front of you?"

Sighing, I looked up from my phone. He sure is being noisy.

"We will be working together for two years Nagumo-kun. We have plenty of time to talk, and I have kind of busy schedule ahead, so can you please stop this useless banter? You are being annoying.

Food for thought! How did you become the Vice-President if you don't have enough common sense to know when to stop?"

That comment slightly irked him. Good for him. Before he could open his mouth again, I cut him off with a mutter.

"If you are the most popular guy in the second year, then I think most girls have very bad taste in boys."

And that shut him up. I didn't have to look up to see that his pride shattered completely. All boys are the same. Boys are such simple creatures, always trying to get a girl's attention. I really wonder what did Fuku find in him to pay even a moment's attention?

(I was totally being a big hypocrite here, when I myself was going over all the date tips and making schedule arrangements sitting in the Council room.)

After what it felt like half an hour, Ichinose finally came out with a defeated expression.

"Didn't go well?"

She tiredly smiled and confirmed that she didn't get into the council.

"Well, better impress President Horikita to change his opinion next time."


I stood up for the interview and was met by a pure angelic smile of Ichinose.

"Good luck."


"Good luck Suzuki-chan!"

Nagumo also wished me luck, though with only words. His eyes said a different matter altogether. Amateur.


I was led by Secretary-chan inside the main office of Student Council room, where President was reading some sort of report, probably on me with ridiculous intensity.

"Please take a seat."

His voice truly sounded emotionless, in contrast to his sister's sometimes haughty and sometimes irritated voice.

"Thank you."

Secretary-chan gave me a cup of fresh tea which calms one's mind. I gave her a genuine smile. With a small smile, she exited the room leaving me and President alone. She must have been pretty tired. Speaking of secretary, I have yet to choose one. Another recruit to find.

Focusing back on President, he was having quite a troubled expression, which truly didn't suit him. I wonder what troubled him?

"Before beginning the interview, I want to confirm something. Did you really buy the Pallet Cafe?"

At that, I couldn't help but give him an innocent smile.

"That's correct."