Test and Results

It was May's last Saturday. The test will be held on Monday, just the day after tomorrow. The class has been coming along nicely and everyone is working hard. Though my method is double edged sword. While it will benefit everyone in the short term, after 5-6 months, there will arise two kinds of situations. Some students will get used to working while some will face burn-out. I am planning on giving them a week's break once this exam is over so that they aren't that much stressed out.

As the school was over, I stood up from my seat and headed to the teacher's podium.

"Excuse me everyone, please pay attention here!"

Seeing that everyone was paying attention, I sent a document on the app.

"Everyone please check class announcements section of the app. I have posted some question papers there. These are the question papers of this test from the last year. There is a very good chance that 80-90 percent of the questions will remain same or there will be only slight differences. I have posted the answers to these question papers too. Please go through the paper and if you haven't studied a portion, memorize it.

Now don't touch any new topic and revise everything you have studied. No need to come for training and if you manage to pass, there will be no training for a week. But don't think about failing, as it will result in expulsion. Everyone is dismissed! Go through the paper and the answers everyone, especially who score below 50 in the mock tests! And don't share it with anyone!"

I have obtained every question paper of first year from Fuku. Surprisingly, second years weren't banned from sharing the papers to first years. Looks like the school promotes making connections.

And on comparing the my quiz with her's, it was the same question paper. So it is a good chance that atleast this paper will be really similar to the previous year's as well. Because no matter what the school says, it won't easily expell someone just after 2 months of school. So it should have prepared a way out for us.

---'Monday, the day of Test'---

The first test was Japanese, and seeing the question paper, everyone celebrated inside their heads. It was exactly the same question paper like last year.

The second, third, fourth, fifth, sixth, seventh, every paper was the same. I gave myself a pat on the back. From what I remembered, Ken-chan missed by one mark in the anime, but I have been teaching him English specially. And I made sure that he and Sakura-chan have gone through the previous year's question papers and answers thoroughly.

Everyone seemed confident as well. This means that the average will rise and someone can fail. But we have 7.8K in the funds, with only Rokusuke refusing to contribute. I could only hope in everyone's effort and not needing to use the funds.

"How was it Ken-chan, Sakura-chan?"

"I am gonna ace in everything!"

"I t-think I did well."

Sakura-chan's shyness is still a big part of her, which is also her charm. She can now atleast hold small conversations with me and Ken-chan. Speaking of her, I still haven't been approached by her. She was stalked by some creep in the anime. I could take care of it, but she has to take the first step. She will have to face many people like them, and she has to be brave herself.

---'NEXT DAY'---

Today, the result was going to be announced. We were waiting for Chabashira-sensei in anticipation.

After sometime, she entered with her ever-so-cold expression.

"You all look confident?"

She said while observing the class. Everyone did look confident.


"I totally aced this test!"

She left out an amused smile and put up the posters on the board which showed our marks. The results were looking good.

Me, Rokusuke, Horikita, Yukimura, Hirata, Mei-chan, Matsuhashita, Kushida scored perfect 100 in every subject. Matsuhashita was a surprise to be honest. Her mock scores were around 60-70%.

The lowest scoring students were Yamauchi at 47%, Ike at 47.2% and Shinohara at 47.4%. The previous year's test paper did increase their score by a huge amount. They barely managed to score 35-40% in the mocks.

I was quite pleased with Ken-chan and Sakura-chan's results. Ken-chan scored 61%, scoring as high as 72 in English and landing in the 21st rank. Even I was surprised. I have been especially teaching him English for 2 months but he really exceeded my expectations. Though he got around 45% in the mocks.

And Sakura-chan, she scored 49%. Atleast she is placed somewhere in 30-35 in rankings. She was also scoring 35-40% in mocks.

All in all, the results were excellent.

"Hell Yeah!"

"Woo hoo!"

"We are having a party tonight!"

But, what is the average? I calculated every subjects average and... no one looked below the half of the average. Phew! Yamauchi was super close at 42 in English while the half of the average turned out to be 41. He passed by the grain of salt.

"I am impressed everyone. No one will be expelled this time around. And your class scored pretty high. Class A's average was 85%, then your class at 73%, then class D at 72% and finally class B at 70%."

Hooooh? Isn't class B's percentage really low? Did they not take previous year's question papers? If so, they are kind of amazing by acquiring 70% on their efforts alone. If going by mocks in my class, it was getting around 52-53% by the last week.

She then started writing the class points of this month. Since Ken-chan became a regular and I the Secretary this month, we should be able to get extra points and surpass class B or atleast close the gap to about 10 points.

As soon as she wrote our points, cheering erupted.

"Woo hooo!"


Sure enough, we got promoted.

Class A: 1040(+100)

Class B: 803(+93)

Class C: 811(+161)

Class D: 583(+43)

So my and Ken-chan's selection got us about 60-80 points. Yay!

This was the first time I saw Chabashira-sensei genuinely smiling.

"Congratulations Class C,... I am sorry. Congratulations Class B."

Soon I was surrounded by the whole class and some girls threw themselves at me.

"Yui Onee-sama! Everything is because of you!"

So I officially became an Onee-sama in this school just now. I can't say I am not happy.

"Hey Horikita-chan! Gimme a hug~ Don't be shy with Onee-chan~"

"Stop talking nonsense."

"Just wipe that stupid grin and come over here! Won't you reward me for working so hard?"

"I am not grinning!"

Some girl pushed her towards me and I caught her in my embrace.

"Good girl!"

"Hey! Isn't that super hot!?"

Boys were wiping off there nosebleed from witnessing such fluffy scene.

Even Ayanokoji was staring at the large number of thighs.

"Ara ara~ You boys jealous? How cute~"

Every boy flinched, but I just laughed loudly.

"Hahahaha! Let's celebrate today! I have already booked Pallet cafe from 5 to 8. Everyone has to come! Even you Chabs-sensei!"

"Woo hoo! Let's party!"

"Ice cream is on me!"

"No Yui-chan! We will treat you this time! Right friends?"

"Hell Yeah! You are the star of today's party Yui-chan!"

"Why are you just standing Ike? Let's dance!"

"Pfft! You sounded just like Madara Ken-chan!"

"Really? I fit that badass image, don'tchya think?"


Like this, the whole class C, erm sorry, class B got into the mood of celebration.