Ayanokoji's PoV

I was laying on my bed thinking about what happened today. I tried falling asleep but I just couldn't.

About one and a half month ago, I managed to enter Advanced Nurturing High School, having escaped from the White Room some months ago.

It was my first time going to a school. I was, and still am full of insecurities. Will I able to make friends? Will I ever be able to see anyone as more than a pawn? A friend? And maybe more than a friend?

I met a certain person who is known to everyone in White Room. Even that man recognised her talents. Suzuki Yui, currently the richest teenager in the world.

The looks she gave me were often wonder, shock and sometimes... pity. Why did she appear shocked when I tried to do what my friends... acquaintances did? And why did she pity me? It was something I couldn't understand.

So I decided to win dates from her. I lived for the month without spending any points, other than what I have spent on the first day and the concert.

In the end, I got the chance to go on dates with her, to observe her more closely and find the reason for her reactions about me.

Going to dates with her was fun. I went doki doki everytime such a beautiful girl was besides me. Would we able to become friends? More than friends? Will I able to do things Ike fantasies about?

Though there was a problem. She considered me as a troubled kid. She often patted my head and ruffled my hair like I am some kid. But I was not the only one. Sudo, Mei-Yu Wang, Horikita, Sakura. She just finds everyone cute.

She would freely get angry and her shiny blue eyes glare like a beast. I have never seen anyone who could be so intimidating with only her glare. Even Horikita's older brother, the Student Council President, couldn't fight it.

The individual named Suzuki Yui is the perfect human, with only weakness being wanting an extraordinary boyfriend who is several times more extraordinary than her.

"I will make you the perfect human. You will rule Japan one day."

I just remembered something unpleasant.

No, she is not the perfect human. I am just projecting my thoughts on her, subconsciously hoping that she would be an existence proving that man that he has failed to make a perfect human out of me, that his White Room is a failure in the face of a natural perfect human, Suzuki Yui.


"Do you have any relationship with Professor Ayanokoji?"

"I don't know who are you talking about. I don't know anyone in my family who is a professor."

"Sorry, looks like I made a mistake. You know, there are just not many people I know with that surname. So I kind of assumed that. Well, I wouldn't like to destroy a friend's family afterall. Now I won't have any hesitation in dealing with him."

"What did he do?"

"That fanatic bug thinks that he can do whatever he wants. You know, Japan is known to be one of the nicest nations in the world that's why everyone trusts us too deeply. But what would happen if it was revealed that it is running a facility which imprison's kids from their birth and every human rights are ignored? Even us companies will suffer damage because of those retards.

Those fanatic politicians do whatever they want but we have to face the consequences because of them. I got an email that a kid from that facility ran away and is in this school. I can't really ignore such a situation where children are abused all because of some petty criminal fanatics."

"Sorry, but I don't know anything about that."

"Hey... Why won't you just take the bait and tell me where this facility is and how it works. You just have to tell me and I can save those mentally unstable kids."

"I don't know why I would know about that."

"Fine. If you just told me everything, then I wouldn't have to work so much. Well, when he comes to this school or sends his people, at least tell me then. I will take care of everything."

"Well, this is a parting gift for our last date, but I will give you an advice on how to enjoy your high school life. Just do whatever you want, but be prepared that he will send people to expell you shortly. Don't try to fade into the background too much as it will backfire. And try to figure out what you want after finishing high school. Which university you want to go, what kind of job you want to do in the future, or if you want to start business on your own. Because you won't have to return to that facility anymore.

And who know about you, I will say me, the chairman and most likely his daughter. I am sure Rokusuke-kun has figured out about you by now, but he likely doesn't care as long as no one disturbs him. And go to a psychiatrist once the school is done. You have shown the signs of mental problems."

"Take care. You look pitiful sometimes. And ask for help without hesitation. We are friends afterall."


I let out a sigh. The conversation keeps repeating itself in my mind.

Who was the one that emailed her about White Room and my identity? Was she telling the truth or mixing lies in the conversation. Does she really intend to shut down White Room or she is in cathoods with that man? Is she a person I can trust?

Several questions keep repeating in my mind, keeping me awake so late in the night.

I have resigned myself to fate, that I will have to return to White Room one day and follow the path that has been laid out for me, but I will enjoy my high school life in the outside world that, that man disregarded so much. But what will happen if that prospect suddenly disappeared? What if I suddenly have a choice to live an ordinary life even after the school?

She described that man as a mere bug. Was it her arrogance or does she really have that kind of power? If I can use...

"Take care. You look pitiful sometimes. And ask for help without hesitation. We are friends afterall."



I am sighing a little too much. Just go to sleep Ayanokoji.