Uninhabited Island Exam-1

"Each class will receive one copy of the manual. If somehow it is lost, a reissue is possible, but it will cost points. So, keep it safe. Again, there is one absent student from A class. Since this is a test that requires physical ability, even though the student retired due to poor health reasons we will extract 30 points from A class as a penalty. So, A class will begin with 270 points."

A class was present, but they accepted the merciless blow. The students were trembling already with the sudden state of affairs. Katsuragi glanced at me cautiously, so I smiled at him innocently. I wonder why he shuddered?

The end of Mr. Mashima's words signaled the end of the announcement. Each homeroom teacher was holding a megaphone and calling their respective classes, while trying to give supplementary explanations. We were gathering around Chabs. The distance between the four classes became clear.

"Now to all the members we will distribute wrist watches. You will wear it for one week until the end of the trial. You are not allowed to take it off. In case you take it off, a penalty will be implemented.

This wristwatch has not just an instant time-table, it can track body temperature, your pulse rate, it detects your movements and your senses, it also has GPS. It is equipped that way so that you can use it even in a state of emergency.

If you find yourselves in a state of emergency, please push this button."

As Class D was taking their tents, Ms. Chabashira brought the box to distribute the watches.

"When you say in a state of emergency… like when a bear appears?"

If that happens, it will be quite fun. I will use it as a means of transpor... no. Doctor has told me not to push myself too much for another 2 months.

"To give you an example… This is a trial, you have to look left and right, then, there is a possibility that you may find the answer to your question."

"Hmmm… telling me something like this, it is quite scary."

"I do not think that there are wild animals here. If any of our students got hurt, that would be a big problem. The truth is we gave these wristwatches for the well-being of our students. We are on a deserted island, so, for the sake of the school's reputation and for the guarantee of our safety, isn't it something that it should be done?"

With these smooth words the wristwatches were distributed for the enforcement of our safety. So it is not only the eyes of the teachers that will watch the students, but also these devices will monitor the movement of the students on the island. It is exactly like having cameras in the school classes. Monitoring our physical condition, dealing with unexpected circumstances also. Plus, the helicopter that I saw on the ferry-boat, ready to fly in case of emergency.

"But is it ok to get in the water wearing this?"

"No problem. It is waterproof. But, still in case of malfunctioning, we will replace it immediately. However, we already run test management protocol by a trusted person."

Then Chabs told us the rules.

1) Penalties

"Those who have been estimated to be in a remarkably wrecked physical condition or having serious injuries will lose 30 points as well as become retired."

"In case an act of polluting the environment is discovered, you will lose 20 points."

"Each one of you will lose 5 points if you're absent from every day's roll calls at 8 am and 8 pm."

"In cases such as violent acts against other classes, plundering or damaging utensils, the class affiliated with the students involved will be immediately disqualified and the private points of the subject will be all confiscated".

"It's up to you to behave unreasonably, but if 10 students feel sick all your patience and effort will disappear in bubbles. Once you decide to retire you can't return to the trial."

"Ms. Chabashira, please answer if you can. What happens if someone retires after using all 300 points?"

Horikita, who got the basic explanation, raised her hand, asking Ms. Chabashira.

"In that case, only the number of people who retire will increase. Points won't change from zero."

"In other words, we don't fall into minus with this trial, right?"

Chabs affirmed.

2) Equipments and Items

The range of items on the manual that could be purchased was quite wide. Equipment essential for survival such as tent and cookware, digital camera and transceiver, parasol, life belt, barbecue set and items for amusement such as fireworks. Food and water essential for living. Everything was set in a way that can be arranged in points.

"One supplied tent is big enough for 8 people to use. The weight is close to being 15 kilos, so please be careful when carrying. Moreover, the school is absolutely not going to help regarding the loss or damage of supplied items. If you need a new tent, remember to use your points."

"Is it okay if I ask a thing, teacher? Where will this roll call happen?"

Horikita asked. She somehow one-sidedly decided that I was worthy of being her rival. So she is lessening my workload by asking such questions.

"It has been decided that the homeroom teacher will be together with each class until the end of the trial. If you decided yourself a base camp, report it. I will set up a base and roll calls will be done there. Once you decide on a base camp you can't change it without a justifiable reason so please think about it thoroughly. This applies to other classes as well. No exception."

"As for washroom, use this. "

She hit a cardboard box out of a pile. Then, she peeled the gum tape and took a folded corrugated box out.

"Huh? What's that?"

"It's a basic toilet. Each class will be supplied with one. Please handle it carefully."

"Don't tell me we're also gonna be using that!?"

Everyone raised their voice in surprise.

I sighed and said, "Calm down. We will be buying two toilets. One for boys and one for girls. Let sensei finish her explaination."

That calmed down everyone.

Chabs continued her explaination.

"It comes with a one-touch tent that can also be used for changing clothes. It's not like you will be seen by anyone."

"It might be a corrugated box, but it's a well-made one that can also be used in times of catastrophe. I'll show you how to use it from now on so please remember it diligently."

She familiarly set up a toilet with her hands. Then she set a blue plastic bag and put a white sheet in it.

"This sheet is called a water-supply polymer sheet. It covers and solidifies filth. It makes filth invisible and at the same time suppresses the smell. After you're done using it, stack the sheet up again. It is possible to use one vinyl by repeating this around five times. Only these vinyls and sheets will be supplied unlimitedly. If absolutely necessary, you can change it after each use.

"It's up to you what to do about the toilet. I don't have anything to say. But it's not approved to relieve yourselves in the forest, as well as in the sea or the river. Don't ever think about it."

Suddenly, Chabs made a sullen face when she looked behind us.


The owner of that voice rushed over to the targeted person, capturing and hugging her from behind.

"… what are you doing? "

"What? Skinship! I was thinking what would you do about it."

Said Hoshinomiya Chie, a teacher in charge of the previous B and now C class, stroking Chabs's hair. She must really hate me now for pushing her class to class C.

"Whenever I touch Sae-chan's hair, it's always smooth."

"Do you understand school rules properly? It's inexcusable to eavesdrop on other class' information."

"I'm an unimportant teacher. Even if I hear any information by chance, I certainly won't tell it. However, wouldn't you say this feels something like fate? The two of us coming to this island, it's unbelievable. Don't you think so?"

"Shut up! And quickly go back to B class. Ah sorry, C class."

Wow! Will this turn into a catfight? Somebody give me some popcorns.

But apparently, it didn't happen. She came over me, hugged me, and started sniffing me like a pervert. Since my presence is so much, Hoshinomiya didn't know Ayanokoji and was very focused on me.

"Oh! If it isn't my favourite Catgirl? Say nya~"

"Don't waste our time Hoshinomiya-sensei. Look! Ichinose-chan is calling you!"

Ichinose came running and grabbed Hoshinomiya by ear. Woah!

"I am sorry that sensei caused you trouble Yui-chan! Hoshinomiya-sensei! You shouldn't run off leaving me to explain the rules!"

"Aww~ But I wanted to hear her meowing! It sounds so cute~!"

Somehow, I could feel everyone in my class giving me puppy eyes. But I will not falter!









"A-are you done? Ichinose-chan, bye!"

She happily nodded, grabbed Hoshinomiya by the back of her collar, and started dragging her despite her protests and pouring. Though I must say, she lookes cute with such antics.

After she was gone, Chabs started again.

"So, let's explain the additional rules"

"Additional rules? There's still something else…?" Horikita couldn't help but ask. It was taking rather long. But since no other class has left, it's fine.

"Shortly, you will be granted permission to roam freely, but several spots are provided in each part of the island. These spots will be recognized as places simply called 'Rights of Possession', and the class that will have them is entitled to exercise its own rights there. How to use them is a prerogative of the class that got the right.

However, the right of possession has validity only for 8 hours from when it takes effect first, after which the right is automatically revoked. It means that every time, you get the right to acquire another class. And you can get one bonus point each time you occupy one spot once. Even so, this one point is provisional and cannot be used during the trial. So, it will be settled and added up only at the end of the examination. Due to the school constantly monitoring the situation, there is no room for fraud regarding this rule. It's better to pay attention to this last point"

"I understand that you're impatient, but this rule has a big risk. It's about whether to make use of that risk, take it into consideration and check it. All is written in the manual, including that risk."

As Chabs suggested, the manual was written to clarify the special rules and additional rules all organized in bullet points.

– An Exclusive Keycard is required to occupy a spot

– You will get 1 point for each occupation. Occupied spots can be used freely

– If you use a spot occupied by another class without permission, you will get a penalty of 50 points

– The use of Keycards is restricted to the people who became leaders

– Leaders cannot be changed without justifiable reasons

– Guessing other class's leader correctly will earn 50 points while the class who got their leader guessed will loose 50 points.

– Guessing other class's leader incorrectly will be penalised 50 points.

If my calculations are right, I will be able to earn about 400 class points.

"Without exception, you all get to decide one person who will be unquestionably the leader. However, you have the freedom to take part or not. If you're not greedy and ambitious enough, you won't become known as a leader and you will probably be over soon. When the leader is decided, please report it to me. In that occasion, we will provide a Keycard stamped with the leader's name. You have a time limit, until today's roll call. If you don't decide by that time, we will decide at our own discretion here. That's all"

Attached to the manual, was a simple map of the island. Only the size and the shape of the island were written there. The area and the inclination of the forest were absolutely unknown. I'd say this was more a blank piece of paper. But I already knew where we should go.

"It seems like we have to fill in the necessary parts by ourselves"

This was confirmed by the fact that a ballpoint pen has been prepared especially for this.

"Please leave selecting the leader to me. Will be alright if the whole class doesn't know who the leader is? So that the information will not be leaked."

"It's alright!"


Kushida tried to say something. But was hesitating. She just doesn't learn, does she?

"Say what you want quickly Kushida-chan. You are wasting our time."

"But shouldn't this be the whole class's decision?"

"Let me ask you a question then. If Ryuen comes and asks you that if you know who is the leader, then are you confident that you won't be caught?"

"I-I think so?"

"You are not confident, are you? And not everyone can lie without being caught. Will you take responsibility if our leader gets guessed? Then I am fine with discussing with you all."

"Hey Kushida! Don't you trust Yui-chan? Quit wasting our time."

Karuizawa and gang repreminded Kushida. Or more like, shut her up.

"Rokusuke-kun, Ken-chan, Horikita-chan, Ayanokoji-kun, Onodera-chan and Miyake-kun. Come with me."

"Yes mam!"

Now, who should I make the leader?