Uninhabited Island Exam- 3

"Ara Ara~ How Cute~"

I said that to hide my embarrassment.

But I knew one thing, he didn't fall in love with me. He didn't said that directly. Did his ego got hurt when I rejected engagement with a perfect existence such as himself? Or did he get some ideas witnessing my power to move even against the Prime Minister without care?

"Do you really love me? Did a perfect existence such as yourself really fall in love with another person? When? How? Why?"

His stupid grin disappeared and his face turned serious, which I have never seen. His red eyes looking straight into my blue ones.

"If I said that I really fell in love with you when you glared at the Principal making him cry, will you believe me?"

"Ahh! You have a glare fetish!?"

My Dad also has that...

"Fufu~ You really say funny things. Look, we have arrived."

Of course I noticed. But I wanted to be carried a little more...

He put me down, and we looked around. Nobody was here yet. We could see three spots. A cave, a pond and the river on each side of the cave. A perfect place.

"Let's reserve the spots really fast."

"Let's go."

And so we reserved all the three spots. So, 9 points per day and therefore, 63 points in total after 7 days.

"Rokusuke, will you really help with this test? Why are you doing this?"

"Fufu~ Of course I will. And for your question, to impress you? Ladies like helpful men, don't they?"


"So please check-in as many spots as you can every 8 hours, okay?"

"Leave that to me! A perfect man like myself can easily do that. See you."

He took my hand and kissed the back of it like a gentleman.

"I will make you believe me."

Saying that, he took off going branch to branch like a monkey.

Did he move my heart a little? Yes. But that was just because of him acting strangely. Nothing more than that...


Ken-chan's voice startled me. He ran towards me while panting slightly.

"Where's that bastard!? Did he do anything strange to you?"

"Ah no. I was just wanted to arrive here fastly, but was somewhat tired. And Rokusuke-kun can be eccentric sometimes... Scratch that, he is eccentric everytime. Don't mind him."

"Really that bastard! He didn't do anything weird, did he?"

"Nah. A gentleman like him won't do anything weird to a girl."

"You don't know Yui! Boys are wolves."

"Haaaah? Why are you talking like my Dad? And if the boys are wolves, I am a cat, a big cat, like Tiger. And a leader of Tigers at that. My glare is enough for them to piss their pants. Don't underestimate me."


Suddenly, I noticed two presences.

"Show yourself! No need to waste our time."

Then came out a bald man and his lackey.

"How do you do Katsuragi-kun? We have already reserved the spots here, so you better reserve some other spot before they run out."

He sighed and headed towards us.

"Hey! How did you come her before Katsuragi-san!? *cough* By the way, you look really good in tracksuit Yui-sama."

I raised an eyebrow at that. Oh! that is the fanboy. One of the leaders of unofficial 'Yui-sama fanclub'.

"You are the leader, right? Yahiko-kun?"

He flinched and looked towards Katsuragi looking very scared. Katsuragi also gulped.

"Thank you for confirming. Now Katsuragi-kun, please save as many points as you can, as the maximum points you can earn just got reduced to 220. Bye bye!"

Katsuragi and Yahiko left without saying anything, clearly looking annoyed. But Yahiko is not the leader. Katsuragi is. The act was so easy to see through. Well, I will just confirm from Hashimoto later.

"Woah Yui! We already got the leader of Class A!"

"Don't yell Ken-chan. Let's wait for our class to arrived."


Sometimes later, the whole class arrived along with Chabs.

"Woah! The spot is amazing!"

"How did you know of such a spot?"

"The announcement on the cruise gave a hint. It was visible from the deck."

"You are amazing Yui Onee-sama!"

"Anyway, does anyone have to go to washroom immediately?"

No one raised their hands. Good.

"Hirata-kun, please help everyone settle down. The three spots are ours. Don't buy anything right now. I just thought of a wonderful plan. Ayanokoji-kun, Horikita-chan, come with me."

With them by my side, I headed to a specific direction.

"Where are we going?"

"Where Ichinose's class likely is."


Why is Horikita so annoying?

"Just shut up and follow me."