
Everyone in my class, Class A gathered in a rather large restaurant in the cruise.

"So, I have fulfilled my promise to reach class A. I will step down from being a leader. Does anyone have any problem with that?"

Everyone shaked their heads. Of course they shouldn't have any problem.

"Now I won't remain admin of YuLearn group of our class. So I won't update your stats and all. Coming up with strategies, organising class, etc. won't have my interference. I will still do the bare minimum like scoring good in exams. But my participation in special exams like this, please don't expect much. It will depend on my mood. Does anyone has a problem with that?"

"No. We have already reached class A! So we just have to defend this position. Isn't it right?"


"Thank you. So, does anyone want to take class representative position from the girls?"

Nobody raised their hands, except Horikita and Kushida.

"Alright. I won't interfere with chosing the leader from girls. Whoever more wants to participate can decide by the date Hirata decides later. But sorry Kushida, you are disqualified for that position."

Kushida who was smiling cheerfully had a horrified face now. Since I didn't sell out her for about 2 months, did she believe that she is safe?

The whole class turned dead silent. Most girls giving her suspicious glances while boys being confused.


"*Sigh* Everyone pay attention! Don't spread a word about what I am going to say! Kushida, you know the reason I am saying this, don't I?"

"I-I don't know what you are talking about?"

"I have been keeping silent about it till now-"

"Please don't Suzuki-san!"

Hirata stopped me midway. He had an expression which showed that it is related to something about his trauma. I felt really sad seeing him like this.

"Hirata-kun, if I don't reveal everything right now, she will be expelled in less than a week without anyone getting the time to think of countermeasures. I know what I am doing, so please calm down! I don't want to single out her if not for her own stupidity."

Hearing the word of expulsion, his face became more horrified, but he shut up his mouth.

"Kushida, do you realise your stupidity to even think of blackmailing Sakayanagi-chan? Was blackmailing Lizard-chan not enough for you? And do you think they would be affected by such threats?"

"I-I didn't do anything! You are lying"

Kushida continued denying whatever I said, crying desparately. Sigh. I have faced various bitches in my life, but she is one of the stupidest.

I played the voice recording which Lizard-chan and Arisu had of her blackmailing them. Even I am surprised by how she let this be recorded. Isn't it common sense that a person carries more than one mobile phone on them, even though only one is theirs?

After hearing her blackmailing Lizard-chan that he raped her by having fingerprints on her blazer, everyone was horrified. I have not told this to Hirata. So even he was terrified. Of course Lizard-chan won't have any problem even if she told the school authorities that he raped her. The signs of struggle was not there, and the only part of her uniform that had his fingerprints was her breast area of her blazer. It was clear as day that she was the one who put his hand there. I am sure that, that bastard had a feel of her breast while Kuku'ing.

Then the next was her blackmailing Arisu to spread rumours about her, to which she just fufu'ed.

In both cases, her goal was to expell me, along with Horikita if possible. Then there is that leaking info of our class in return.

Suddenly, Kushida ran towards me with the knife she was holding. I see. Framing someone on false sexual harrasment was not enough that now she is adding murder to her crime list.

I didn't move from my place a bit. Rokusuke and Ayanokoji came rushing while everyone had yet to register what is happening. Rokusuke disarmed her while Ayanokoji knocked her down. I am surprised Ayanokoji came to save me, even though he knew I didn't need it.


Everyone screamed in terror witnessing what just happened here.

I smiled at Ayanokoji and Rokusuke and turned towards Hirata.

"Sorry Hirata-kun. I had a plan to save her because she is a child, but attempting murder is too much. I have to involve the police now."

Hirata couldn't speak from the terror. He started having a panic attack from witnessing the scene. This is bad!


I ran towards him and knocked him out. It will be much better if he remains unconscious for now till help arrives.

Several personnel along with the teachers came running into the restaurant. Hah! I didn't expect the situation to turn this bad. I had prepared a way to save her so that she can change for better. But how the hell did she arrive at the conclusion of attempting murder? She is more mentally ill than I thought. But several White Room students are coming next year. I have to increase the personnel in stabilising them.

I gave a nod to Chabs-sensei who just arrived and tried to calm down everyone along the teachers. Hah! Even though I have faced such situations, it is still depressing.