
"Are you ready?" Lisa asked Jane at the door leading to the outside, on the first floor.

She sighed. "Yes. What about you?"

"Yes." She inhaled and exhaled. "Okay. Let's do this then."

They opened the door and a bunch of paprazzis were everywhere like bees.

"Lisa Chen, can you tell us about what happened between you and Felix Wang at the party?"

"Are you going to sue him?"

"Is your friend over here the cause of the fight between you and Mr Felix last night?"

"Ms. Chen, are you and Felix Wang going to settle this peacefully?"

"How is the lady by your side related to you or the Wang's?"

Holding Jane's hands tightly, she halted her steps hearing those annoying questions.

"No more questions please. Just as Mr Wang had said earlier, we'll deal with this privately. Thank you."

"Ms Chen, are your parents going to sue the Wang's?"

"Ms Chen, we need an answer from you."

The question kept throwing on them like bombs. Jane and Lisa had to struggle their way out completely ignoring their questions. 

"Are you okay?" Jane asked when they were both inside the car.

"Yeah. What about you?"

"I'm okay."

Lisa breathed out in frustration and anger. The paparazzis surrounded her car still throwing annoying questions on them. She held one hand on the steering wheel and the other on the key, and started the engine. On hearing the sound of the engine, the paprazzis all flinched back and the car accelerated away with a little higher speed than her normal driving speed.

"Fuck those paparazzis." She said within her breath very angry.

"Li...Lisa. What's going to happen now. The video of what happened yesterday has been leaked out to every news channels and on the internet. What's going to happen now between you, your family and the Wang's?"

"Fuck..." she screamed hitting the steering wheel. "I don't know Jane. I'll just have to deal with it like...."


The ringtone from Lisa's phone made her pause her words. She picked up her phone and saw who it was. Her eyes on the road and her hands trembling in anger as if about to crush the phone to pieces.

"Fuck, fuck, fuck." She screamed hitting her hand on the steering wheel again with the phone in her hand. "I really can't believe this is happening right now." She said in gritted teeth, and throwing her phone back to the passengers seat.

"Ca...calm down Lisa. Let's deal....."

"I'm dropping you off at your house." She said in a calm tone, but deep within feeling really angry. "I'll deal with this myself. You just need to go home."

"But Lisa...."

"It's fine. Just go home and rest."

Jane knew Lisa was really angry at this point. She's only trying her best to calm herself down because she knew Jane was with her. But deep down within Lisa, her blood was boiling like a volcano about to go beserk. 

Jane let out a sigh because she knew Lisa won't adhere to her words so her only response was on 'okay'. The car went silent for a while but the aura emanating from Lisa, brought heat to the car.

After what seemed like few seconds, the car pulled in front of Jane's house. 'That was fast' she said within her.

"We're here now." She said not looking at Jane and her hands on the steering wheel.

"Lisa. Just call me if you need anything from me or if anything pops up okay." She said in a calm tone touching her hot shoulders. Her whole body was filled with hotness as her anger increased more and more every passing minutes.

"Okay." She said I'm a calm angry tone.. But jane could feel the anger burning up within her.

"Okay. Bye."

She opened the door and got out. Jane stood at that spot for a while watching the car accelerating away with high speed.

'I wish I won't be so helpless all the time especially when you need me the most. I wish I could help you out. I wish there was something I could do for you my dear friend,' she said cursing within herself.

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Team Favy

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