
It has been about a month since i got back to the village and i had gotten the Hashirama Arm Transplanted, it definitely felt weird when i first got it since sasuke had lived for many years with only one arm and pretty much adapted to do everything with one arm.

My Probation has now finally ended, well my probation had pretty much ended 3 Years after i had gotten out of Jail with the Agreement of the 5 Kage since during these 3 years i had travelled through the world and helped all the other nations and they did realize that i had changed so all the Kage expect the Tsuchikage signed off my Probation and i could have ended my probation right then but since i had wanted to atone for my sins i had not signed it but now after i got the arm and got back to the village i did.

Since i was no longer in probation i got all my inheritance back and im now the richest person alive since i am the Uchiha Clan Head and the Uchiha Clan were the wealthiest Shinobi clan and since im the head all the resources of the clan belong to me.

I wanted to move back into the Uchiha Clan Compound but in the end i decided against it since we would be fully isolated and just 3 people living in a huge compound will also be very creepy.

During this one month i also taught Sarada the basics on what her Sharingan can do and i also started training her, and she was a prodigy though not in the same league as me or Itachi and Kakashi, i had planned on teaching her the Chidori but i decided against it and choose to first improve her Taijutsu and her chakra reserves were still not that great and because of this she would be able to only use about one Chidori per day if i did teach her and wasting all her chakra on one technique was definitely not worth it especially since she still hasn't mastered her Sharingan yet and if the Chidori is used without the Sharingan it causes tunnel vision so it was incredibly dangerous to use without mastery over the Sharingan and good reflexes and speed.


"Where are we going? The Training Ground is not this way." Sarada said

"we aren't going to be going to the normal training grounds right now" i said and kept walking.

After a few minutes we arrived near the Uchiha Clan Compound, "Huh what is this place?, and why is the Uchiha Clan Symbol on the wall?" Sarada asked

"This is the Uchiha Clan Compound, a few years ago before a certain event happened there were about 200 Uchiha Clan Members alive and this is where all of them lived." i said and kept walking towards the place where the Clan meetings happened

"I read in a book that the Uchiha a Clan was once known as the strongest clan that existed and one night due to a tragedy the whole clan perished, what happened?" Sarada asked

"il tell you someother day" i said and simply kept walking towards the Uchiha Clan Library

"This is the Uchiha Clan Library, for the next few days i wont be able to train you since im going to investigate a few things and this library has everything you will need to train, obviously dont bring anyone else here and tell no one about this library, if the wrong people get their hands on the jutsu's in here it could spell disaster"

"Your leaving again? You said you will stay until my Chunin Exams atleast."

"It wont be for long this time, i sensed some foul chakra in the outskirts of the village i will go investigate that and i have something else i have to take care of."

My plan was to first investigate the foul chakra and then go to kaguya's dimension this is around the time Sasuke fought Momoshiki and Kinshiki so i decided to go fight them and i also have another arm and i have more chakra than he did and im also all around much stronger.

"There are training grounds in the south corner of the Compound use that if you want, but before i leave there is something i want to give you."

As i said that i went through a few handsigns and a scroll appeared in my hand except it was a lot bigger than a normal scroll.

"What scroll is that?"

I didn't answer her i instead simply opened the scroll and in the scroll there were 5 Names Orochimaru, Anko Mitarashi, Kabuto Yakushi, Sasuke Uchiha, Mitsuki.

"Huh why are your names in this?" Sarada asked confused.

"This is a Summoning Contract with the Snakes, Orochimaru passed it down to me and his other students, soon you will be taking part in dangerous missions or there may be times when i wont be able to help you but when you sign this contract with the snakes you will be able to summon them and they will aid you in battle or when your in a situation where you feel you can't win and you need to retreat you can use the Reverse Summoning Jutsu and you will be transported to the realm of the snakes the Ryuchi Cave."

"You will need to write you name in this scroll using your blood to make the contract official"

sarada then bit her fingers and quickly wrote her name in the scroll.

"How do i summon them?" she asked all excited

"Lets go to the training ground il show you there, we will need a bit of space to summon a snake"

After we reached the training ground i said to sarada "Alright before i show you the signs for the summoning jutsu i will tell you a few important things you need to know before using the jutsu, the if you use a very small amount of chakra and use the jutsu you will most likely summon a messenger snake and well they are pretty small and wont be very helpful in combat, if you use a decent amount of chakra you will most likely summon a medium sized snake they will obviously be very helpful in combat and if you use a large amount of chakra you will summon one of the bigger snakes and the signs for the reverse summoning jutsu are the signs of the summoning jutsu itself but in reverse order and always remember for a summoning to work you must first draw a bit of your own blood before using the handsigns."

"The Handsigns for the jutsu are Boar → Dog → Bird → Monkey → Ram try it out."

As i said that Sarada bit her fingers and went through the handsigns and use the summoning jutsu, and summoned a snake it was a medium sized white snake.

I simply watched as sarada talked to the snake and introduced herself as my daughter and a new snake summoner and after a few seconds the snake disappeared.

"Very well i will be back within a few days in the mean time you can learn the jutsu's in the library but dont try anything too reckless yet." i said and left to begin my investigation.
