Family Bonding and getting new sword?

"Im Home" i said as i knocked the door and Sarada opened it.

"Huh, dad your back? i thought you said you will be gone for a few days?" sarada asked

"Sarada who is i-" Sakura said as she came out of the room

"Sasuke-Kun? your back"

"My work got over quickly so yes im back."

Both of them were happy as soon as i said this.

"Well if the two of you have yet to have dinner how about we go out for dinner tonight."

"Really?" Sarada asked clearly very happy with what i had said, and i simply nodded and she quickly left to get changed i presumed.

I really didn't know how to be a good Husband or a good Father mainly because even in my past life i didn't have a girlfriend and i definitely did not have a kid in my past life and Sasuke barely had interacted with Sakura and Sarada all that much before i took over his body so i had been putting off spending any sort of family time with them but i knew i will eventually have to do it.

"Sasuke-Kun are you alright you have spent a decent amount of chakra?" Sakura asked worriedly.

I simply nodded and said "Well my investigation led me to a few interesting things."

Sakura looked a bit confused and didn't understand what i meant so i activated my Sharingan and showed her my fight with the Otsutsuki.

She was clearly shocked by what she saw and said "This is terrible, will there be another war now?"

"Well you never know, but we will eventually have to fight them again i believe they are here to finish what Kaguya came here to do, harvest the planet of its chakra, and for that they first need the tailed beasts to use the ten tails again and for that they will need Naruto's Nine Tails so they will have to eventually come here again, we just have to be prepared in time." I said



I Was Currently walking towards Orochimaru's Hideout, Sasuke had lost the first Kusanagi Orochimaru had given him during the Fourth Shinobi World War so after the War Orochimaru had given him another variant of the Kusanagi which he had.

As i arrived near the hideout i was greeted by Yamato and a few other leaf shinobi.

"Sasuke-San, We Were not told that you will be arriving here, we are sorry but we have been given orders by the Hokage and his Assistant that no shall be allowed to see Orochimaru without permission." Yamato said as the other Shinobi stood behind him.

I was obviously could have sneaked past them without getting noticed but before i came here i did talk to Naruto about why i was here and he had given a permission slip permitting me to meet Orochimaru.

I pulled out the slip and gave it to Yamato and he read it and said "Allow him to pass" and as he said this all of them moved out of the way.

As soon as i walked in the first people i saw were Jugo and Suigetsu, "Its been a while Sasuke" Suigetsu said

"Where is Orochimaru?" I asked

"Come with me i will take you to him." Jugo said and started walking

After walking for a bit we finally arrived where The Snake Sannin was.

"What brings you here Sasuke-Kun" he asked as soon as he saw me

"I fought someone last night and my sword was destroyed i was wondering if you have anymore Kusanagi's to spare."

"But that shouldn't be possible a Kusanagi is an unbreakable sword." Orochimaru said

As he said this i pulled out my sword from the sword holder or what ever was left of my sword, now i only had the hilt of the sword and a small part of steel still attached to it.

Orochimaru looked shocked as he saw the condition of the sword and said "But how who did this?"

The only people who knew about the Otsutsuki's were Team 7 the 5 Kage and a few select individuals and although Orochimaru was not a part of these select individuals i knew he would have found out so there was no point in hiding it from him.

"I Fought an Otsutsuki" i said

"I see well they might be the only people who might be able to destroy the Kusanagi, Im Sorry Sasuke-Kun i but i can't help you i don't have anymore Kusanagi's everyone of them is now destroyed."

"Everyone of them is now destroyed?" i asked

"Well there were 3 Kusanagis in total well 4 if we count the Totsuka Blade a Variant of the Kusanagi Blade, i gave of them to you and my own is also gone"

"What happened to yours?" I asked

"Well as you know i used to store mine inside my body and you decided to be kind enough and kill me and the sword is now stuck inside that body and i have no idea what has happened to that body." Orochimaru sarcastically said

I Simply Sighed and didn't know what to do now, i very well can just go buy a normal sword but you can't send elemental chakra into a normal sword and i used lightning chakra in my blade while fighting.


"Well there is one option" Orochimaru said


"You could go to the land of iron and have a blade forged."

"Theres no point of forging a normal blade" i said

"No that's not what i meant, come with me." He said and started walking and i followed him

Soon we arrived towards the rear of the hideout and i saw a rock there and he picked it up and gave it to me.

"How will this help?" I asked

"Im sure you remember a few years age meteors were falling on Konoha, and im pretty sure you were the one who destroyed them, i just happened to be in Konoha that day and a small amount of the destroyed meteor fell right infront of my foot so i decided to take it with me and one day during a few experiments the idiot standing behind you ended up melting a small amount of that rock and we got this."

He then pulled out somesort of a metal, it wasn't too long or anything just a small piece.

As he gave it to me and i held it i could tell this was insanely strong even more strong than the kusanagi.

"But how, im no genius in science like you but i know melting a meteor doesn't give you a metal, hell i doubt you can even melt a meteor."

"Your right in that but your wrong in assuming that this is meteor, this rock is somesort of a metal not a meteor."

"What?" I asked still not believing anything he was saying

"We only know so much about the world Sasuke we still have a lot to learn, this is somesort of a metal im not sure what but its a metal and its stronger than anything i have seen, now im no expert in melting stuff and forging a sword but the people of the Land of Iron are and that rock should be enough to forge one sword."

"Thank you Orochimaru" i said

"Well growing soft are we Sasuke Kun?"


I then sealed the rock into a sealing scroll which i carried with me and then left.


If you have any ideas on how the sword should look let me know, i want to kind of make it look like a real sword rather than an anime sword but i dont really mind if its an anime sword as long as it looks good but i was thinking of making it look like one of the valyrian steel swords from ASOIAF.