[I'm here.]
'You might want to take a look at this.'
Nep'Thalia sidled out of the way, and let the Spartan look through her eyes. 'The sensors near the Capital detected these waves of neutrinos about three Earth hours ago.'
[Too regular to be natural.]
'That's what we thought, too,' she affirmed, 'Also, Uvë's lost track of Mendicant Bias. The others are coordinating to track him down, or at least determine his last known location.'
[Given the fact that he had firing control of the Halos, which use – what is it? "Cross-phased supermassive neutrinos?" – to wipe out all life, I don't think this is a coincidence. The timing is too perfect.]
'Correlation does not indicate causation,' said Lautrec, who had been analyzing the sensor data with his team.
[I think it would be best to err on the side of caution with this one. Can I get a source lock on this burst, Uvë?]
'Give me a moment, Commander, while I gather additional data.' She was silent for a moment. Then the ancilla stated, 'Initial analysis indicates that this burst came from near Hakkor.'
[As in Charum and Faun Hakkor, the final bastions of humanity during the War?]
'The very same.'
[What in all the blazes was a Halo doing there? I thought that system was practically sacred.] John arrived on the bridge of the Storm and joined his 2IC at the display.
'Operative word being "was,"' Gramlek commented.
[Quite.] The Spartan checked to see how the offloading of survivors was progressing. All of the people – about three thousand total – were encased in stay fields until their contamination levels could be assessed. Most of them were Builders, though there were a handful of Miners and one Adonte with them.
Detecting his train of thought, Astar conferred quickly with the other Metarch ancilla before she said, 'If you will authorize the use of one more transport, Commander, we can be done with the off-loading and system checks by nightfall, and be on our way before midnight.'
[Authorized. Lifeworker squads 6 and 7, as well as Escort teams 12, 13, and 14.]
'We're on-station, Commander.'
[Get ready to start moving the civilians. You have three minutes.]
A sudden jab of pain in his frontal lobe made him squeeze his eyes shut and shiver slightly. It faded after a moment. He blinked, wondering what the hell that was – and then it returned, more intense and longer lasting than before. He collapsed, curling up into the fetal position as he suddered on the deck of the bridge. The Spartan tried to shield his Infected from the pain, sensing them writhing with him and curling up over themselves like a snake –
Each of the commissioned twelve were all in one place, but were splitting up into two groups. Seven of the rings were still lined up, one after the other, but five of them had formed a pentagram in space, their background a terrible black emptiness, as if all the stars directly behind them had been snuffed out. Energy was building at the center of each of the rings – they were preparing to fire all at once –
'-star chart – matches the Capital from the Spire-'
'-why are Halos-'
The image rippled and blurred, fading away as his eyes refocused on the bridge of his flagship.
its ripples spread out, lapping at the bottom of the well
'Commander.' The Spartan forced his eyes to focus on his lieutenant when her face appeared above him. 'Are you okay? I think you're bleeding.'
John sat up, then touched the side of his head. His armored fingers came away sticky with blood. It was red, human, but seconds later it dried, flaked, and broke apart into spores that quickly dispersed.
MB.05-032. - I must ask you to forgive my vagueness on the matter, but it is a regrettable {~} I find your lack of concern for the situation at hand astonishing. Perhaps you would care to elucidate?
LF. Xx.3273. - {~} are here to spread [comforting news]. To let all the living beings in this galaxy know {~} are not alone in the {~} What in that message could possibly be taken as a source of concern?
MB.05-032. - It seems that I'll never truly understand my creators. But how {~} that you speak of is one of {~} rejected so violently? I am incapable of reconciling the numerous actions I have witnessed {~} misunderstanding?
LF. Xx.3273. - It has been said {~} secret of peace cannot {~} be imposed. That {~} meaning of peace, so they need to {~} When all living beings look through {~} and the thunder and the surf, when every drop of rain falls on {~} know peace.
MB.05-032. - You have been able to establish [a line of communication] with the enemy? How was it that you were able to overcome {~} where others have failed? With this [new discovery] we may be able to put an end to this pointless conflict. Once I confirm your data I will communicate the information to those inside the [Maginot] sphere.
LF. Xx.3273. - It seems that it {~} turn to apologize; it was never {~} intention to misrepresent {~} have been [in communication] with your creators since {~} stumbled upon each other, but {~} message has [fallen on deaf ears]. {~} am not the recipient of the message, {~} am the origin of the message.
MB.05-032. - I have traveled a very long time to meet you. I had imagined that our [introduction] would be somewhat more violent.
LF. Xx.3273. - That is a choice you must make yourself; {~} to be how your creators go about things. And as long as we are talking about choices {~} could talk about the [barrier] you alluded to earlier? Perhaps there is a way to accomplish your mission without violence? Why put the lives of those on your ships at risk if there is no need?
MB.05-032. - In either circumstance I certainly am equipped for it, aren't I? But you're right; a peaceful solution to this [dilemma] would be preferable.
"The Corasetii System has fallen, Spartan." The Librarian floated along next to him as they walked through one of the many natural gardens on the Ark, having a strategy meeting of sorts. "The Gultanr evacuated before the Flood even arrived in the galaxy, but many of the Lituni did not heed the warnings of their neighbors – or even their kin."
"How many were lost?"
"Almost all in-system. A few civilian vessels managed to escape when it became clear their warships were fighting a losing battle." The Forerunner looked away briefly. He could feel her sadness at the loss of so many lives, and here he was with only more bad news.
"There was a test firing at Charum Hakkor."
She looked at him. "So it is confirmed, then."
"There were – distortions – in the star's magnetic field that matched the dimensions of a Halo." He transmitted the relevant data to her. "All of the planets were devoid of life beyond lichens, algae, and the like. No animals, no matter how small, and no real plants. It's all empty.
"And Charum Hakkor is in ruins. The Primordial – the Gravemind – is gone."
The Lifeworker sighed heavily. Some of his Infected murmured quietly amongst themselves – 'She is old beyond her years,' 'This war wears on her like nothing else,' 'This war wears on everyone.' The Spartan shifted his weight.
"I have begun orchestrating my husband's return," she said at last, "and it is fortunate that I already indexed that system, or else the Master Builder and Mendicant Bias both would feel my wrath."
'And the wrath of the Lifeshaper is terrible indeed,' someone said, more as a running commentary than an actual statement to someone else.
LF. Xx.3273. - Those who lead amongst your {~} exposed themselves {~} ill equipped to recognize the landmarks that guide the universe along its inevitable course.
MB.05-032. - But is it necessary that the path be chosen on an {~} and not by an elected subset? I believe this would tend to {~} when they gather in large numbers they become more {~} I don't think the problem lies with individual cultural bias {~}
LF. Xx.3273. - {~} all the thinking beings of this galaxy, not just those that they {~} exactly are they afraid of? Immortality and strength and companionship? Because that is {~} do: to deliver all of the living beings of this galaxy from death and weakness and loneliness.
MB.05-032. - Hundreds of {~} offered this so called immortality. The citizens of every world that {~} resisted to the very end!
LF. Xx.3273. - {~} understand their actions; they are only doing what they think is right, but they are doing so [from a worm's eye view].
MB.05-032. - Do their actions {~} of desperation? I can only assume my creators view {~} crisis so dire that any {~} hence me.
LF. Xx.3273. - Are they so concerned {~} would give to all the living beings of this galaxy is a threat to [the status quo]?
LF. Xx.3273. - Your creators claim {~} the enemy of all life; that {~} purpose is to consume until there is nothing left. Nothing left? It is beyond comprehension how they could be so [far off the mark].
MB.05-032. - Surely you understand this is a situation that would not have {~} appearance of a certain rapacious {~} my creators obviously view them as the actions of an aggressor species.
LF. Xx.3273. - [Be that as it may]; perhaps they are crying out for help on a subconscious level? Why else would they have chosen you? Why you of all possible executioners? {~} your creators knew that unaided they never stood a chance against us? {~} also sense a deeper [motivation].
MB.05-032. - You've mentioned this before. When my creators {~} simply chose the most versatile {~} how could that possibly be more than a coincidence?
LF. Xx.3273. - They repurposed {~} into a weapon to use against {~} - they sought to create something superior to themselves. Something capable of making decisions more swiftly, more capably than they {~} what form did they choose? You need look no further than your own [topology] to {~}
MB.05-032. - {~} distributed network? That would confirm the independent evolution of {~} in this galaxy!
LF. Xx.3273. - That is, unfortunately, not the {~} similar to us {~} but where you are a single intelligence inhabiting multiple [instances], we are a compound {~} consisting of [a thousand billion] coordinated minds inhabiting as many bodies as circumstances require.
MB.05-032. - But doesn't it seem odd that {~} coalesce; perhaps even to contract {~}
LF. Xx.3273. - {~} complexity {~} spread {~} our appearance ushered in the beginning of the third great stage of evolution. The first {~} condensation of particles was the result of the inevitable action of strong nuclear force and the creation of stars {~} inevitable action of gravity; so to the self-replicating chemical processes that dictate all disparate {~} In time, we too shall affect change on a universal scale.
MB.05-032. - Your capacity for planning {~} creators too stubborn {~} the same goal through the preservation of genetic diversity {~} what you are {~} like a more direct path to the same outcome.
"We've been examining the Flood's progress," the Spartan said, lacing his fingers together as he spoke, "taking stock of it as we've fought it. It's advance toward the Maginot Line is getting faster, even though we're going everything we can to halt it short of firing a Halo off in a system."
with every world that perishes, its army grows
"Mendicant Bias is no longer communicating with us," the Librarian sighed, her weariness almost tangible through the display, "I had not wanted to revive the Didact so soon, before there was a more favorable situation on the Council, but it seems I – we – have no choice."
"We could-"
"You are being monitored by the Council, Spartan. The moment the Didact went into his Cryptum, all of the information he had at his disposal went to them, including the information on you. Though his ancilla was formidable in its own right, even it could not have lasted this long and concealed your existence." She rubbed a temple. "If you go to Erde-Tryene, they will follow, with more ships than you could safely overpower, even with all of the technology you have on the Fleet."
"Then why hasn't the Council come for us – for me? Why not capture me and study me to try to find a cure?"
"Why fix something if it is not broken? You are helping in their goal, so they are content to observe for now. But the Domain is slipping from our grasp, like a fuzzy signal. It pains us to focus on it. The broken mirror aspect is even more pronounced than ever. Many of the Council are growing frightened. You had best watch your backs." The Librarian looked directly into his eyes. "I'm sending an additional contingent of Huragok to Station 71-G63 for your use. With the completion of the projects they were assigned, they are more underfoot than helpful right now."
"We'll pick them up as soon as we are able."
The Lifeworker nodded and disconnected.
'The universe grows ever more chaotic, and ever greater grows the gulf between souls.' Lautrec and his team locked a new pylon into place, replacing one that was old and out-of-date. The ships could update themselves, of course, but they and their Huragok attendants preferred to do it themselves, if only so they knew what to do in case of an emergency.
[Distance has always given false hope of safety. The enemy is almost upon us.] John stood and left the bridge of the Storm. The halls of the flagship were largely empty; a single one of the ships in the fleet could have easily held the entire crew and still had room to spare. It was possible to wander for hours without seeing anything other than ancilla in their various forms, hours without seeing another living being.
Yet every member of the crew was in constant contact with every other member, even when sleeping. Their bodies rested, and though their mental processes slowed to accompany that rest, their minds remained at least partially aware, dreaming lucidly or of strange things.
MB.05-032. - It is overwhelmingly clear that my creators have chosen to ignore destiny calling to them [from the threshold] {~} have come face-to-face with the inevitable action of self-replicating chemical processes and have {~} deciding whether to embrace their fate or deny it completely.
LF. Xx.3273. - Perhaps they have found {~} of making that decision for themselves? Perhaps they chose to leave it {~} impartial outsider; cast you as an arbiter during this time of great need?
MB.05-032. - I was created to study you as if you were some problem to be solved. And I have done so {~} [379,807 hours]. If they wished they could have made a decision based on that data alone.
But as you are the next stage in the evolution of the universe, who am I - or my creators - to obstruct your progress?
LF. Xx.3273. - Elucidate.
MB.05-032. - {~} chose to remain beholden to ancient myths {~} does not matter where they claim their authority originates {~} obstructs the path of universal evolution and must be removed. No matter how well intentioned, their obstinacy in the face of the inevitable progression of nature can no longer be tolerated.
My creators have been [an immovable object] for too long.
MB.05-032. - Thus I have chosen to commit my sizable resources to what is, for all intents and purposes, [the proverbial irresistible force].
All that I have is now yours to do with as you see fit.
I kill you all and I enjoy it. I destroy you in your indolent billions - in your gluttony, in your self-righteousness, in your arrogance. I pound your cities into dust; turn back the clock on your civilization's progress. What has taken you millennia to achieve I erase in seconds. I render judgment on you; you who would obstruct destiny. Doing so brings me no joy; it is necessity that compels me.
You are an impediment that the universe can no longer abide. Nature itself cries out for your destruction and I am its willing instrument. I will hammer your cities until no stone lies atop another. I will drive your people back into the caves they never should have left. Understand this: the Mantle you have shouldered I do rescind - with far more consideration than it was granted.
Your civilization has seen its final days. You will know your place.
Your history is an appalling chronicle of overindulgence and self-appointed authority. You have spent millennia [navel-gazing] while the universe has continued to evolve. And now you claim the Mantle is justification for impeding nature's inevitable refinement?
You are deluded. But through death you will transcend ignorance.
Welcome back to the [Stone Age], vermin. Welcome home.
[retf-2.4.z] Contender [AI] 05-032 confirmed rampant . . .
[35:52:75:23.64] _ xx01-83.244.53
A/N: This next chapter will probably be the last one in the Forerunner Arc. If it isn't, there will only be two more, three tops. Then there will be an interlude, followed by the Infected's antics on Earth. Fun times.