Chapter 3: Confirmation

Throughout history class, Shaun pondered on telling Bria about her one-night stand. She knew she had to tell someone. She had promised Bria to tell her after school, but now she was having second thoughts.

Shaun's fear of being judged lingered in her mind. After all, she was a straight-A student, and she was on the honour roll every term. Being classed as a teen mom was out of the question.

By the time classes were finished, Shaun had made her decision, but she felt so sick that she had to race to the bathroom. Before she could get into a stall, she threw up. Some girls quickly got out of the bathroom while some stood and stared in engrossment.

Shaun got into the stall and locked the door. One girl ran out and called Bria, who came rushing in soon afterwards. When Shaun finally opened the stall, only Bria stood in the doorway holding a paper towel with a worried look on her face.

"What's wrong?" Bria asked softly. She sat on the floor beside her best friend, tying her hair in a bun.

"Is the door locked?" Shaun asked.

"Yeah." Bria replied, "And Naomi got one of those yellow floor thingies to put at the door. What's wrong with you, Shaun?"

"I'm fine. I'm just feeling a bit sick." Shaun responded, looking down sadly.

Bria sighed, "Come on Shaun."

"The other night, I was on my way home...." she started.

"Mhm...?" Bria prompted.

"And I met this dude...."

Bria nodded, encouraging her.

"I slept with him."

The paper towel rolled out of Bria's hand and for a full minute, no one said anything until Shaun burst out crying.

"And I've been sick ever since." she continued.

"How come you never told me you got a boyfriend?" Bria asked her.

"I met him the same fucking night, Bria! That's what I'm trying to tell you." Shaun shouted, "We used no protection! Nothing!"

Bria covered Shaun's mouth. Though the bathroom door was locked, the walls and door were paper thin. "No need to shout. I'm sure you want no one knowing about this," Bria whispered.

Shaun sighed and stood up. Bria was right. The fewer persons that found out, the better.

"You look really sick." Bria told her, observing her face, "And your belly looks slightly swollen." Bria tugged at Shaun's blouse.

Shaun pulled down her shirt quickly. "Thanks for making me feel better," she replied, rolling her eyes.

Bria sighed and stood up, then helped her friend to her feet.

"I can't sleep, I eat everything in sight, but when I eat meat, I feel much better and I can't seem to stay out of the bathroom," Shaun complained.

"You sound like a pregnant woman," Bria chuckled. She reached in her bag for a wet wipe for Shaun. "I can get my cousin to take you to the doctor on Saturday."

"It's nothing to laugh about and I wouldn't get pregnant so quickly! You should really stop sleeping in biology class." Shaun said angrily.

"I'm not the one who's trying to be a doctor," Bria said, rolling her eyes, "and I was joking. Just relax,"

5:18 pm

At home, Shaun stared at her body's reflection as she walked past the living room mirror. She turned every angle, observing her body. Bria was right. Her belly was slightly swollen.

No one was home. Lauren and Carlos were still at work while Liam and Shianne were at the mall. Shaun snooped around her parents' room trying to see if she could find anything on or about pregnancy.

After searching for over an hour, she found two packs of pregnancy tests under the bed. Shaun stared at it for a full minute, assessing why they were in her parents' room. Even though Lauren was only thirty-eight, Shaun still thought three children were more than enough. She smiled, imagining Shianne's jealous little face who was contented with being the baby and Lauren's and Carlos' first child together and Carlos' first daughter. Shaun sighed heavily as she came back to reality. This had to be done, Shaun told herself. Reluctantly, she took the test, telling herself the result would be negative, anyway.

After reading the instructions on the box and peeing on the stick, she sat on the toilet tapping her fingers, waiting for the result. It was the longest two minutes of her life. Shaun was almost dozing off when she heard the beep. Her arms shook as she carried the pregnancy test closer to her face. She closed her eyes and said a silent prayer.

Two very bright lines were seen on the pregnancy test as soon as she opened her eyes.

"No, no, no," Shaun shouted as tears rolled down her cheeks. She read the instructions over and over, trying to see if she had followed them correctly. She opened the other pack and took the other pregnancy test, but it was the same result.

Shaun hyperventilated and continued to breathe heavily until she eventually fainted.