Senju Clan's Flawed Warring States Era Shinobi Ranking System

I am making this ranking system because, to me, it makes no sense for there not to have been at least some type of ranking system during the WSE. (As far as I know, there wasn't actually one. Correct me if I'm wrong) Humans naturally categorize and rank stuff, so It's good to reason that they would've had one in this era.

Only, it was incredibly flawed and (in hindsight) not really useful. Which is why there were high death rates, and it was abandoned for the Shinobi Organizational System when Konoha was founded.

This system is meant to be flawed, with each level having big strength gaps. I did this so that it makes sense why the death rates for Shinobi are so high. Because even if a mission is supposed to be a certain rank, the gaps between those ranks are huge. Meaning there is still a high chance of them fighting someone way stronger than them.

It does help give a general idea of the lower limit of a person strength, but that is about it. It is a useless system made for an error that should have a useless system. Makes sense in my mind.

Also, this is only the Senju ranking system, each clan has its own independent one that they follow. Most are similar, but they do have their variations.


Left Side is WSE Senju Ranking: Right Side is Shinobi Organizational System

Patriarch: Jonin to Kage

- Always inherited by the eldest living son of the main branch. This is the reason for the vast strength gap.

Elder: S-Tier

- Kakashi, Guy, and the likes in part one

- Positions determined by strength and age (had to at one point been special rank)

- Have colored armor

Special Elite: Regular Jonin - S-tier

- Only people with colored armor are in this tier

- Tier is more based on accomplishment than actual strength, but they are perceived to be just below the elders. (Not always true)

Elite: Average Chunin - Strong Jonin

- Have to pass a test to be admitted in this level (test isn't super difficult)

- Wear gray clan armor

Normal: Below Genin- Special Jonin

- All ninja who have not passed the elite test fall into this category

- Most are not Special Jonin or Jonin as most take the test as soon as possible , due to the benefits and prestige that come with it.

- Wear traditional Shinobi Gear.

I hope this make sense and no sense at the same time.