Improvements - Fighting Demonic Beasts (2)

Smearing the blood of the giant tiger on his face, Li Fen looked up deeper into the forest. He knew with so much sound and excitement, especially the blood of the giant tiger. More demonic beasts were bound to come.

The giant tiger was the lowest of demonic beasts. Barely fitting into the ranks of demonic beasts, being a Class One Low-rank demonic beasts. However, a demonic beast was still a demonic beast. It could easily kill mortals and threaten villages. It was said that three Early rank Body Formation Realm experts were needed to kill a giant tiger.

Hence, it was evident how powerful Li Fen was to subdue such beasts with his fist while merely being a mortal. Li Fen had frightening potential!

However, now was not the time to be in awe of his strength. Li Fen could feel three Class One Low-rank demonic beasts approaching from afar.

Not wanting to be assaulted by three demonic beasts at once, Li Fen climbed a nearby willow tree and hide in the dense leaves. He lay still and waited for the arrival of the demonic beasts.


Li Fen didn't have to wait long as he heard the approaching steps of the demonic beasts.

They were all forest apes, weak demonic creatures which liked to move in small groups. They were vicious creatures that enjoyed torturing their victims by throwing rocks or branches at them.

These brutal creatures came to enjoy the aftermath of the battle between the great tiger and Li Fen, hoping to pray on the potentially weakened victor.

The three apes scoured the battleground, sniffing the air while searching the surroundings.

Li Fen observed them from within the willow tree, not daring to make any rough movements.

Slowly, an ape sniffing the air approached Li Fen. Li Fen knew this would happen, he had stains of blood from the tiger on him. It was evident that where he was hiding would be checked by the beasts.

10 meters, 8 meters, 5 meters… as the ape came closer to him it slowed down and looked up. Now!!!

Li Fen knew that if he did not act now he would lose the advantage of a surprise attack.

His foot engraved itself in the tree. Bam! Li Fen darted towards the ape and assaulted the otherwise unprepared ape.

As the ape looked up towards the tree, it smelled the scent of blood, but suddenly! Bam! A human appeared through the leaves instantly.

Before the ape could cry, Li Fen's fist followed by violent lightning had already reached the ape's face.


The ape's face was crushed and its entire head was blown off its body.

Not wasting the momentum, Li Fen flashed towards the closest ape.

Before Li Fen acted the ape was analyzing the corpse of the great tiger when suddenly the deafening sound of thunder erupted behind him catching him off guard.

As the ape turned around it was greeted by the sight of two bright golden eyes right under its nose. Bam! Li Fen rammed his fist into the ape's chest, launching the ape into a nearby tree.

The last ape not too far turned towards Li Fen. "Roarr!" It was infuriated by the sight of Li Fen smashing its companion into the tree.

Ignoring the last ape, Li Fen quickly dashed towards the ape in the tree.

The ape that was struck was unable to breathe, it had been hit in the chest and lost its breath, it could only watch powerlessly as Li Fen ran towards it.


Li Fen drove his fist into the ape's head, instantly exploding it. He felt the last ape quickly approaching it.

Li Fen then turned to the last ape and smiled. His sneak attack had been successful. He had instantly eliminated two threats only leaving one behind.

The ape stared at Li Fen's maniacal smile with a hint of fear in its eyes. "Roar!" However, it was a beast, it would not back down so easily.

"Hmph!" Li Fen continued with his ravaging momentum. He approached the ape and struck its legs with his leg. Bam!

The current of lightning immobilized the ape for a split second. But a split second was all Li Fen needed as he struck his arm and grabbed the ape's face before drawing it towards his needs.


The ape's head cracked as it was launched backward. Boom! Its giant body weakly tried to get up before Li Fen stomped the ape's head with his foot.