becoming a maid, not serious.

''boss, what are you doing here'' said mengdi after opening the door and see qioesheng who is her boss..

''am I not welcomed here'' replied qioesheng while providing the wide smile on his face..

''you are really welcomed, please come inside'' replied mengdi while opening the door with honor.

''where is zhou quan'' asked qioesheng while turning his eyes around trying to find her ..

''she was taking bath, I think she can be here for dinner'' replied mengdi while arranging the dishes on the table.

After few seconds zhou quan arrived, she was really beautiful in the wet hairs, actually qioesheng was not able to remove his eyes on her..

''qioesheng, you are here'' asked Zhou quan while trying to dry her hair..

''yea, I came from the company and I just pass by to see you'' replied qioesheng while providing the wide smile on his face..

''am really fine, come and eat the most delicious dishes you have never had'' replied zhou quan while laughing and all of them sat on the table for the purpose of starting eating..

''zhou quan, where is uncle and aunty you said that they are going to be here'' asked qioesheng while chewing the food.

That question really shocked zhou quan and made her to stop eating the food, she stacked in the few minutes and suddenly she stand up from the table..

''am going to my room just enjoy the meal'' replied Zhou quan in the sad tone while leaving the table….

''what happened why is she sad all for sudden'' asked qioesheng while trying to know what is happening..

''she is just passing in the hard time'' replied mengdi while trying to hide something..

''cant you tell me what is it, are you facing me as the bad guy'' replied qiesheng in the angry tone..

''but I promised Zhou quan to make it a secret, I cant turn my words out'' replied mengdi while trying to give out the understandable explanation..

''just tell me and you are going to receive a bonus this month'' replied qioesheng while looking mengdi carefully..

''I cant sell my friend with one month bonus'' replied mengdi while showing her stability..

''ok you are going to be my assistant'' replied qioesheng while showing the regretting face..

''what!, assistant I can tell you each and everything'' said mengdi while showing the great happiness.

Then mengdi decided to tell qioesheng each and everything that she was knowing, actually she was regretting it because she promised her friend to keep her a secret but she cant leave such big chance that she was dreaming for the long period of time..


''boxu, am I you really friend?'' it was the voice that came from the man who was around 27 he said that after entering in boxus office..

''have I ever said that you are not'' replied boxu in a cold voice..

''you came back without informing me, that's not fair at all'' replied the man in complain tone.

''okay, sorry don't show me that face its too scary'' replied boxu while smiling, actually this is the first time smile since his return..

Boxu and cheng li where friends since their childhood, they have been like relatives for so long, they have bee sharing everything in their life time..

''xun xun wants to see you'' said boxu while looking to boxu.

''go and meet hr yourself'' replied boxu in annoying face.

''come on man, she just confessed to you and nothing else'' relied chengli while trying to explain..

''you think am a play boy as you are'' replied boxu

''okay just forget it but she really admire you'' said chengli while leaving the office..


''mengdi, I want to start t investigate Mr. du but I don't know how to be close with him'' said zhou quan while showing the sad face..

''but zhou quan I think it is the bad idea, it is too dangerous what if he notice you'' said mengdi while showing the sense of care..

''I will risk my life to make a revenge and no one can stop me from doing it'' relied zhou quan in anger..

''sorry zhou quan, I happened to tell qioesheng your secret'' said mengdi in a scratching voice while trying to hide her face..

''mengdi, you!, what have you done'' replied zhou quan in anger while regretting everything..

''sorry Zhou quan I thought you might need a little help that why I told him'' replied mengdi while trying to make zhou quan understand..

''ok I forgive you, qioesheng is not a bad person anyway'' said zhou quan while trying to forgive..

''but I have got the way to make you closer to mr du'' replied mengdi while smiling widely..

''tell me just do it hurry'' replied zhou quan while trying to know..

''just be a maid in mr du's mansion'' said mengdi while waiting for her answer..

''WHAT!!!'' replied zhou quan in the terrified voice..