Chapter # 28

“How dare you touch her with your filthy hands!?” I yelled and shot the guy who was holding captive my Candice.

It boils my blood to see someone touching her pure body.

“How dare he hurt her?” I growled.

The person so close to me. For whom I can take any life, he dared to harm her. Utterly infuriated, my steps sped up as I walked towards him.

He died the instant I shot his head.

‘I never miss my target, he should know that and their Missy who did all this. She better be prepared for picking a fight with me.’

My action caused the continuation of the havoc. My men were not weak for losing against these losers.

“None of them should survive!” I ordered. It was an easy win with no casualties.

“Yes, Boss!”

George stood behind me as I walked up to Candice, passed out form and wrapped my arms around her as I pulled her close.

“I am sorry, Love. It happened because of me.” I whispered as I removed a few strands of hairs falling on her face.