Chapter # 56

3 Years Ago:-

I was in Christian’s office, trying to cheer him up after Merlin; his ex-wife cheated on him.

He was lost in the deepest depth of misery and gloom and I have been trying to lighten it.

When I can’t support him in his harsh times, then who will?

“Richard, Where are the files I asked about?” His stone-cold voice came, addressing his assistant Henley.

“You are not spending another night here. Go home.”She said, putting the files close to her chest.

“Which home? That mansion is a desolate place now.” He snarled while I watched him, pitying his condition.

“But you can’t run away from that and hide here.” She argued.

Raising my index finger, I gained their attention and turned to Henley.

“No matter how much of a drag Henley is, she is right about it.” I said.

She gasped, “What do you mean a drag? I have never annoyed anyone.” She said firmly, pushing her hairs behind her hairs, smiling.

I chuckled, “Yeah… I am kinda used to it.” It made her frown.