Ares’s POV
A rapping noise comes from my bedroom door. I sit up and look at the clock, 6:30 A.M. Who the hell is bothering me so early in the morning?
“Master Martin, breakfast will be served at 7 AM sharp,” Sergio stated, waking me from my sleep. I don’t sleep very much or for very long at a time. Sleep is a luxury when you are used to your father bursting through the door stark raving drunk thinking you’ve done something to undermine him ready to beat you into a bloody pulp.
I got up rubbing my face going to the bathroom to take a quick shower before going downstairs for breakfast.
As I saunter down the stairs, I run into Alec and Alessandro apparently heading to breakfast themselves.
“Hey man! How was your sleep last night?” Alec sees me and asks, smiling.
“ was fine as usual. Nothing to write home about, but the bed is pretty comfortable.” I smirk.
“Yeah...Alessandro snored like a damn freight train last night. Apparently, he loves his bed.” Alec declared, rolling his eyes.
“Hey man! You know my bed at home is lumpy as hell and older than shit. Cut me some slack!” Alessandro whined.
“Yeah...yeah...that’s what you keep saying. Buy yourself a new fuckin mattress bro!” Alec taunts him rolling his eyes.
“I will when my mattress stuffing starts falling out.”
“You’re the stingiest mother fucker I’ve ever met, you know Alessandro?!” Alec laughs as we reach the bottom of the stairs.
“It’s not stingy, it’s called calculated budgeting,” Alessandro smirks, giving Alec a sly wink.
“Oh, is that what they’re calling it these days?” I joke laughing at the two bickering children.
“Hey! Don’t hate!”
“Oh, I’m not!” I laugh.
“Ares! There you are! Where have you been? You’re late.” My father growls at me as he sees me enter the dining hall.
“Uh...I was taking a shower and getting ready to come down to breakfast. I didn’t realize I was late?” I was taken a little off guard by his comment. I didn’t think I was late by any means.
“Well, most everyone has already come through and picked up their breakfast. You have missed half if not all the higher-ranking she-wolves. You know what you are here for son and I expect you to be committed to doing nothing but your job.”
“Yes father.” I dryly replied. It’s always business with him. If I try to just be for even a milli-second, my father immediately notices and pounces. Luckily, we aren’t at home, otherwise, he would have done worse than just scold me.
Breakfast was uneventful, and since most everyone here is getting ready for the ball, I went back to my room to lay out my suit. I like being left alone. If I could live isolated and in a remote part of the world, I would be as happy as a lark. The only thing missing from that dream is my mate, which I have yet to meet. I was hoping I would find her within my own pack, but after eight years of waiting and hoping, I knew I was going to have to travel to find her.
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