Chapter 12 - Wolves and Their Games

Ares’s POV

I was jolted awake by the pounding on my door, “DUDE! It’s ten o’clock! You are going to miss the ball if you don’t come down NOW!” Alec shouts from the other side. “What are you doing in there?”

“Huh?” I shake my head and rub my eyes, realizing I’ve done it again, only no release. This was going to be a rough night with me all hot and bothered. I begin stretching and rolling out of the bed to go open the door. “I was sleeping!” That’s when I realized I actually slept quite well. I guess all my muscles relaxing allowed me to sleep more than normal. I rushed to the bathroom to put a wet, cold wash cloth around my standing soldier to make it stop throbbing. I also didn’t want Alec to think I was beating off again. Goddess he can be so annoying at times.