Ari’s POV
I stood waiting, watching, listening...I could hear screams and moans in the distance. I know I would scream if my mate snuck up on me! That’s probably another reason why I was hiding with my back to something. Maybe it was just my pack training kicking in, who knows? It usually didn’t take all night for the wolves to find their mates so I was nervous after I waited a little while.
I started wondering if Alexia found her mate, Lane. Was Anika going to find her mate? What if I found mine, but she didn’t find hers? I hope that wouldn’t put a rift between us since she would be the only one without a mate.
As I let my thoughts wander, I was suddenly snapped back to the present when I heard footsteps in the distance. My heart began racing. I’m not sure if I started feeling nervous, scared, excited, or a mix of every emotion including surprisingly...being extremely aroused at that thought. My hands start getting clammy.