Chapter 45 - Sneaking Away

Anika's POV

I ran off to go pack. I have to leave the palace and go to my parent's cottage. It isn’t far from the palace. It’s actually one of the closest buildings to the palace since my parents both work on the palace grounds being that my father is King Harmon’s gamma.

When I get home, I avoid my parents’ prying eyes. I try not to let them know I’m home because that would just raise questions. I can answer their questions later and they honestly don’t expect me home for another 2 days since I told them I would be staying at the palace with Ari for the celebration days. I sneak into my room, throw some clothes into my backpack and slip back out the back door. Just as I am headed back to the palace, the alarms start sounding. SHIT! King Harmon realizes Ari and Ares are missing. I hope Alec is okay! I grab my phone and call him. We aren’t mated yet, so I can’t mind link him, and I can’t mind link Ari because she is probably passed out still. She isn’t answering me anyway.