“Alexia said something that made me think for a second…”
“What’s that?”
“She said she thinks I’m taller, my hair is way longer, I’m glowing, my complexion is better, and now that I think of it, I FEEL different. Like, I feel stronger, my vision has improved - I can see stuff MILES away that I never could before, come to think of it! My nails have grown super long in a short period of time, Sienna’s teeth are sharper...just a lot of changes...have you noticed anything?”
He chuckles, “Besides the fact that you are pregnant with my pup?”
“C`mon Ares, I’m being serious!”
He sighs, “Come here…” He reaches for my hands. I walk over to him and he pulls me close to him as he leans against his desk to look at me. He looks into my eyes, as if searching for something, probably to see how concerned I really am. And I AM concerned at this point. This feels like more than just being pregnant.
He scrunches his eyebrows, “Lean in closer and look me in the eyes…”