Chapter # 39

Christian POV:-

After leaving Aunt's place. I went to Tyler. I am beyond angry, how could he tell her? He is the only one who knows about it.

Why did he tell Aunt about it in the first place?

“How could you do this to me, asshole?” I muttered.

I have told him that me and Sophie are on good terms now then why? I cannot fathom. I grit my teeth in irk, my fury burning inside me.

I can’t leave Sophie. Aunt can't take Sophie away from me. I need her presence. I need her smile.

“I need her.”

I don't know what I am feeling for her but she is mine and no one can take her away from me.

I barged in his house as he was shocked to see me. I grabbed his collar and looked at him furiously.

"Why the hell did you tell Aunt about that day!?"

"Hey.. what are you talking about?" He asked, confused.

"Only you knew about the night at the party, why in the bloody hell did you tell Aunt Skye about it?!" I hissed.