Chapter # 43

A sheepish smile formed on my lips when yesterday's events flash in my mind. Oh, how he kissed me in front of mother. Thinking about it gave me butterflies.

As I was thinking, I looked at the time and left to meet Candice. At home, the time is not passing, I am glad she called. I was about to leave but mother asked,

"Where are you going?"

"To meet Candice. Time isn't passing at all." I whined as mother chuckled,

"Take care." She kissed my forehead and I left.

I went to a cafe and saw her. We hugged as she squeaked, she was elated upon seeing me,

"In months, you looked like a graceful woman." She complimented. I couldn't believe what my ears were hearing. I looked at myself then at her,

"You sure?" I asked as she grinned and nodded. We then took a seat and began to chat.

"Why didn't you tell me about your relationship with him?" She asked.

"I.. just.." I shyly trailed off to persuade her and it worked as she laughed,