Chapter # 56

"Hey!" I heard a voice from behind me. The voice didn't startle me because I know it's Christian. I just remained motionless as he came closer and bent to my level.

"Good morning." He smiled. A smile also crept upon my lips,

"Finally learned it?" I whispered.

"Thanks to you." He whispered back. He took a seat beside me as I put my head on his shoulder.

"Good morning..." I spoke feebly. He hummed in response.

"By the way, is this my shirt?" He asked. I nodded, he smirked and leaned in but not too close,

"It's looking so cute on you. Tell me, do you intend to go to the office too?" He teased me. I kept staring at the floor not replying to him.

"Sophie." He called me again, I shot my head towards him.

"Yes?" He sighed and said,

"Nothing, Come let's have breakfast. I also called your mother and brother." He pinched my nose this time, I pouted slightly, he stood up and offered me his hand,