Chapter # 70

Sophie POV:-

"We're going for our honeymoon trip."

Upon hearing that, my heart filled with content, fluttering happiness built inside me. I never thought a day like this would come where I would be so happy that I couldn’t hold it inside me.

Where I will go to my favorite place with my beloved husband. I couldn't control the bursting exhilaration. My face lit up in elation. I quickly hugged him and squeaked in glee.

"Thank you Christian!" I beamed. He hugged me back and said,

"Thank you." I grinned. I looked at the tickets, the tickets to Paris.

"I know you always wanted to go and see Paris." He smiled.

"Of course, you know!" I said in excitement. It feels surreal, I couldn’t believe all my dreams are becoming true. I feel blessed.

"I am so excited! It's gonna be so much fun!" I said as my eyes glimmered in blithe. He chuckled. I looked at the ticket again, it's next week.