C H A P T E R F O U R --- M A D D I S O N
"Calm down, Mads. It's okay. There's nothing wrong. "On this train, there are just a few of commandos," she told herself aloud, trying to focus on drawing a breath every now and then rather of succumbing to terror.
Panicking, on the other hand, sounded so much easier.
She'd taken her legs out of the seat and stowed the book. She ran over every potential scenario in her brain while keeping an eye on the door to her room. Although the smoke wasn't as heavy back there, she could tell it was almost certainly coming from the engine by peering ahead. And that was a mistake.
The fact that no one had said anything on the intercom didn't help her relax. To make matters worse, she had a feeling the train was speeding up ever since she heard the first loud bangs that sent Tim and Tom running out like they'd just gotten the call to go to Afghanistan.