C H A P T E R F I F T E E N - - - T I M

When Maddison was tucked in between him and Tom when he got out of bed, it was agony. Her regular breathing was soothing to him as his arm was draping over her tummy. By the time the next guy awoke, Tom this time, he had been awake for at least 30 minutes.

Tim yawned, but held his tongue as Tom rolled onto his elbows and began to blink the sleep from his eyes. As his twin smiled broadly and pointed to Maddison's stretched-out body on their little bed—all three of them packed closely together like contented sardines in a can—Tim couldn't help but smirk and shake his head a bit. It's amazing how well they slept all night.

Tim chuckled as he cautiously got out of bed as Tom did the same. "The things the love of a beautiful lady can do," he thought.