C H A P T E R F I F T E E N - - - D A N I E L L A

“This is taking too long,” Jerome’s voice growled, a threatening sound that didn’t make Dani even twitch a brow.

It had been a few days since her run-in with Shaun, and everyone—not only Shaun and his squad—were getting antsy. But Squad Six was certainly the one most vocal about it.

“That may be true, but this isn’t one of your little snatch-and-grab missions, Nicolas. I’m sorry that our due diligence is fucking with your plans, but we either do this right or we don’t do this at all. Either or, you being a nuisance does not make my team work any faster,” she snapped in response, her arms crossed on her chest as she stared at the tall lieutenant without a hitch of trepidation.