C H A P T E R T W E N T Y - T W O - - - - D A N I E L L A
Her ears were flat against her skull as she skulked along the outer perimeter of the room, trying to distinguish where the scientist that Shar had referred to could be. Not only him, but she had yet to see Soyo either, and she would be damned if she’d be leaving this place without getting that wretch of a man.
The footsteps came closer, or they were really less footsteps and more the ceaseless thrumming of thunder, moving in uninhibited. Dani saw the ghostly glow of the lights of the vats, startling her slightly when one went from blue to red and the man inside seemed to take a labored breath, his strong body keeling over in the odd coagulating goo.
Keep your mind clear, she told herself.