C H A P T E R T W O - - - J O R D A N
Jordan gave a small headshake and noted how the young lady opposite from him was flushing as a result of Mitch and his taunting. The intercom was humming with nonstop conversation about flight safety, but he had heard it so many times before that he hardly even perked his ears. You've taken one commercial flight, so you must have taken them all, right?
However, this was obviously not a commercial flight.
About 10 rows in front of him, Jordan could see the top of Jerome's head seated beside the aisle. Tim was to the left and in front, and he was aware that Tom and Shaun were further back while he and Mitch were essentially in the center of everything. The manifest didn't list him. In actuality, only six football players from unimpressive teams were, not any of the members of Squad Six.