C H A PT E R E I G H T - - - - J O R D A N

"I'm telling you, I'm Perfectly fine," Shaun whimpered, collapsing down on his stomach in the makeshift operating room constructed out of a corner of The Firm's base of operations for this mission.

Jordan still had flashbacks of the devastation on the flight even though it had been more than nine months after the mission in Cebu every time he examined a person who had suffered a concussion. Although no one had killed save the Arctics agents at the time, a few of the football players had come dangerously near. To stop their homicidal rages, the squad had to kill every single one of them, yet even an opponent of the same size as a 250-pound man could be destroyed in a matter of seconds.

After the effects of the medication and the adrenaline wore off, some wound up in intensive care, and after handing Gwen over to the intelligence service, Jordan joined The Firm's medical team to help them out.