After losing his dream job, Zain returned in a state of mess.
With a crushed dream, scattered hairs, roughly rolled sleeves and an exhaustion dripping from his face.
He didn’t know what to do.
Hoorain was humming to herself and saw he was home early.
“Zain. You’re- Are you okay?” She paused after noticing his stress.
“Do I look like I am?” He asked weakly, rubbing his temples but taking a seat, not lifting his head.
“Certainly not. Did something happen?” She asked tenderly, sitting beside him, holding his arm for assurance.
“Zain? You are early. What happened?” Aima came as well.
“I.. lost my job.” Biting his lips, he breathed out after a long silence, telling them everything which happened.
“What!? Who is this person!? How dare she?!” Hoorain almost yelled in repugnance to think people like her exist.
“I don’t know what to do anymore.” Zain’s voice broke, not lifting his head, hiding his face in his hands.