Underneath the desk, Kelvin and Mary had been squeezed to fit into the wooden legs of Kelvin's seat and he had shielded Mary's lips with his palms to prevent any accidental release of a gasp and when it was clear that the teacher had left, they stood up and laughed.
"I even thought he saw us," Mary commented, dusting her skirt. The bell to the end of lunch rang and she knew she had to be in the hostel. "Thank you so much!" She said. She had only eaten half the contents of the cookie pack and left the remaining tied up inside her locker. "I had so much fun."
Kelvin had found his way back to the top of the desk and he gave off a weak smile suddenly remembering how his conversation with Martins and Dayo ended and as he watched her leave the class, he called out after her.
"Mary!" He said and she turned sharply. "Be careful!"
"Of?" She asked.