Lunch was eba- a somewhat sticky yet starchy yellow mold with okro soup. When days were merry and with good cheer, such as during children's day or Independence day celebrations, a meat would be dunked into the drawing mix and would be served with a glass bottle of soft drink. That day was not any different from the many other days at school. A long weary line filled with hungry, chatty children was made. A line up of different colors of checked gowns while some were still on their uniforms.
"Mary!" Stella called out, speeding up her walking to a hurried run. She stopped where she had seen Mary on the line, gasping lightly. "I've not seen you since yesterday, Congrats!" She said excitedly, dragging Mary into a choking grasp.
"Thank you so much."
"I'll be behind you. Let me go and get my plate." She turned to leave before adding, "please also keep dinning seat for me in case I come out late." Mary nodded.