"She asked me out," Kelvin said while still standing. He feared staring into Mary's eyes. The hurt was glaring and he had never felt that way before. A part of him still feared she might have been a spirit. The gruesome marks on her skin had disappeared and the warm mix of brown cocoa sat as her skin. "I haven't responded. Ashley might be sick or in trouble but you aren't. Don't get me wrong, I'm happy learning you're alive." He sat back down and reached for her lofty earring hoops. "It was in fact Ashley who told me you're alive and well and so I hurried to see you. I'll be right back OK? She has already left over five messages and two missed calls and you know what that means."
Mary didn't know what any of it meant and feared she navigated his choices too by her presence. She cried into her hand, a teary lake of tears and watched him leave.